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Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB921300 and 2014CB920900), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0300802), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11274015, 11674013, and 21405109), the Recruitment Program of Global Experts, China, and Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 4142024).
The two-dimensional layered transition metal dichalcogenides provide new opportunities in future valley-based information processing and also provide an ideal platform to study excitonic effects. At the center of various device physics toward their possible electronic and optoelectronic applications is understanding the dynamical evolution of various many-particle electronic states, especially exciton which dominates the optoelectronic response of TMDs, under the novel context of valley degree of freedom. Here, we provide a brief review of experimental advances in using helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy, especially ultrafast pump–probe spectroscopy, to study the dynamical evolution of valley-related many-particle electronic states in semiconducting monolayer transitional metal dichalcogenides.
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have attracted enormous research interests in recent years due to their optically addressable valley degree of freedom.[1–4] This novel degree of freedom provides additional opportunity beyond charge and spin that have been routinely explored in conventional devices. On the other hand, due to strong quantum confinement and reduced screening in atomically thin 2D limit, the binding energies of many particles electronic states, such as exciton, trion and biexciton, are extremely large comparing to conventional semiconductor and nanostructures.[5–11] Despite early experimental milestones have been achieved in demonstrating both the injection and detection of valley-polarized exciton states in monolayer TMDCs using photoluminescence (PL) technique[2–4] and valley Hall effect[12] even before the understanding of the detail valley carrier dynamics, these successful conceptual demonstration turns out to be lucky successes as the details of valley carrier dynamics are gradually revealed by many ultrafast spectroscopy works later on. On the other hand, the valley carrier dynamics, namely the valley-depolarization mechanism and the timescale of valley lifetime, are key device physics that determines device operations and information storages.[13–17]
Ultrafast pump–probe spectroscopy is a powerful experimental tool to study various carrier dynamics in solids. In a pump–probe experiment, the samples are excited with a pump pulse and then the evolution of carriers’ properties of the system is probed at different delay times respect to the pump pulse. During the past few years, a number of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy techniques have been applied to study various TMDs. These include time-resolved photoluminescence,[18–25] transient absorption spectroscopy,[20,26,28–37] and transient Kerr rotation technique.[38–42] These ultrafast spectroscopy techniques, combining with helicity resolution of light, are versatile and powerful tools in addressing the valley degree of freedom of carriers taking advantage of the valley contrast circular dichroism of monolayer TMDs. However, most interpretations of ultrafast spectroscopy results in the literature are still under debates and some of them are even in confliction with others due to the complication of data interpretation, therefore a coherent self-consistent diagram of existing reported experimental work is still highly desired, although there are already a number of reviews regarding carrier dynamics in TMDs.[43–50] In this work, we mainly review various helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy measurements regarding valley carrier dynamics in TMDs. To be more focused on the valley degree of freedom, ultrafast spectroscopy works without helicity resolution are mostly not included in the discussion. In the following, we will first briefly introduce valley contrast circular dichroism and various many particle electronic states in monolayer TMDs; then we will discuss various helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy measurements results on monolayer TMDs, including time-resolved photoluminescence, ultrafast transient absorption measurements and ultrafast Kerr rotation measurements. The major goal of this review is reinvestigating various interpretations of different helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy measurements and tries to give uniform interpretation regarding valley-related carrier dynamics in monolayer TMDs from experimental results reported so far.
2H phase transitional metal dichalcogenides have a hexagonal lattice structure. Taking monolayer MoS2 as an example, it consists of a single layer of molybdenum atoms sandwiched between two layers of sulphur atoms in a trigonal prismatic structure (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) 2D hexagonal lattice of monolayer TMDs of x–y plane. It has a structure that is lacking of inversion symmetry. (b) Optical selection rules in monolayer MoS2 for the A and B exciton states at K (K′) valley coupled with left (right) circularly polarized light. (c) Left (σ) and right (σ+) circularly polarized resolved photoluminescence spectra for monolayer MoS2 on h-BN substrates. (d) Corresponding photoluminescence helicity ρ. Panels (b)–(d) are reproduced from Ref. [2]. |
The direct gap of monolayer TMDs[53,54] at K point great facilitates the experimental breakthrough in manipulation of valley pseudospin, especially the exciton emission of monolayer TMDs falls into experimentally matured visible and near-IR range. The valley contrast circular dichroism was first demonstrated using polarization-resolved PL.[2–4] In these experiments, circularly polarized light selectively excites an A exciton in one valley and the resulting PL is found to be strongly polarized with the same circular polarization as the excitation light (Fig.
Coulomb interactions can lead to the formation of stable many-particle electronic states, such as excitons. Exciton is a bound electron and hole pair with an energy spectrum similar to that of a hydrogen atom. In doped semiconductors, a neutral exciton can bind to an extra electron or hole to form a charged exciton (trion). On the other hand, two excitons can be bound by residual Coulomb fields to form a biexciton state. Monolayer TMDs can host all these many-particle electronic states, as enhanced many-body Coulomb interactions emerge in atomically thin materials due to the extreme quantum confinement and reduced screening yields. As monolayer TMDs are direct gap semiconductors, these excitonic quasi-particles appear as pronounced resonances in the optical response and can dominate absorption and emission spectra.
Here we take MoS2 as an example to discuss the many-particle states in monolayer TMDs. Figure
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) (a) The band structure of monolayer MoS2. The arrows indicate the transitions in A, B and the band nesting C. (b) PL spectra (red) from excitation at the C peak and differential reflectance spectra (grey) of monolayer MoS2 flake on quartz substrate. The scale bar indicates 20% absorption based on the differential reflectance spectra. The PL intensity is normalized by the A exciton peak of the differential reflectance spectra. (c) Gate-dependent trion and exciton quasi-particles and transitions. (d) PL of MoSe2 plotted as a function of back-gate voltage. Neutral and impurity-trapped excitons are observed mostly at near zero doping. Charge excitons dominate the spectrum with large electron (hole) doping, negatively (positively) charged excitons. (e) Schematic diagram of biexcitons formation from excitons as four-body quasi-particles with increasing exciton density. (f) PL spectra at 50 K for pulsed excitation under applied fluence of 0.8 μJ·cm−2 and 12 μJ·cm−2. The spectra are normalized to yield the same emission strength for the neutral exciton. Panels (a) and (b) are reproduced from Ref. [63]; panels (c) and (d) are reproduced from Ref. [10]; and panels (e) and (f) are reproduced from Ref. [11] |
When there is excess electron or hole available, a charged exciton (trion) can form as shown in Fig.
In the following, we will discuss the progress of studying coupled spin–valley dynamics in TMDs mainly through helicity-resolved ultrafast pump–probe spectroscopy techniques. The discussions of helicity-resolved TRPL results are also included, the TRPL results are strongly correlated to the coupled spin–valley dynamics. On the other hand, pump–probe spectroscopy work without helicity resolution is not included except the measurement of band renormalization effect, as it is generally not related to the spin or valley dynamics.
Although TRPL is not considered as a pump–probe technique, it provides clear and straight forward life-time measurement of photon emission from radiative recombination of photo-excited carriers. Combining with helicity resolution of pump excitation and emitted photon detection, helicity-resolved TRPL measurements reveal the spin–valley coupled polarization dynamics within the interval between exciton/trion initial excitation and radiative recombination through emission photon. Before the optical addressable valley degree of freedom of TMDs was discovered in 2012, Korn et al. has already studied the radiative lifetime of exciton in monolayer MoS2 using TRPL.[18] As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) (a) Left panel: normalized TRPL traces measured on the monolayer part of the MoS2 flake at different temperatures from 4.5 K to 295 K. Right panel: plots of slow decay time constant (upper panel) of photo carrier recombination (τr) and amplitude of the TRPL traces (lower panel) as a function of temperature. (b) Normalized time-resolved PL dynamics at 4 K in log scale. The lines are all fitted by bi-exponential function, however, the initial time is too short to be fitted for X0, L1 and L2. The decay times are 33±5 ps for the second decay time of X, 32±2 ps for L1, 80±6 ps for L2. For trion, the short time constant is 18±2 ps and the long decay time constant is 30±3 ps. The small peaks marked by arrows superimposed on the X and trion come from laser reflections. (c) and (d) TRPL at 4 K with σ+ laser polarization excitation Left axis is X (c) and trion (d) PL emission (in log scale) with co-polarized (black lines) and cross-polarized (red lines) detection geometry with respect to the excitation laser as a function of time, and right axis is circular polarization degree of the PL emission. (c) Arrows show the periodic signal of laser reflections as the PL intensity decays. (d) Solid green line shows the polarization reproduced by a bi-exponential decay, using a fast decay time of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Helicity-resolved TRPL measurements of exciton radiation were performed by different research groups on mechanically exfoliated monolayer MoS2,[19] WSe2,[20,21] and MoSe2,[22] respectively. In WSe2 and MoSe2 samples, the trion emission dynamics were also studied.[20–22] Except the measurements on MoSe2 sample show very low circular polarization for both exciton and trion states,[22] which remains a mystery and under debate in the community; measurements on monolayer MoS2 and WSe2 reveal clear dynamical evolution of the helicity of the emitted photon through recombination of valley-polarized exciton or trion state with few picosecond resolution. Figure
Limited by the detection of radiative emission only, non-radiative evolution of carriers is “invisible” in a TRPL measurement. Alternatively these non-radiative processes can be sensed in a transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy measurement in either transmission or reflection geometries as described in this session. In a helicity-resolved transient absorption (HRTA) measurement scheme shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) (a) Pump beam with circular polarization excites K valley only, probe beam with the same or the opposite circular polarization measures the population in K or K′ valley respectively. (b) Illustration of valley relaxation of initially excited holes by exchanging spin and momentum with an electron in the other valley. (c) Illustration of valley relaxation of holes by scattering through the Γ valley. (d) Transient absorption spectra of monolayer MoS2 at 74 K with delay time varying from 0 ps to 15 ps between pump and probe beams. The red lines show SCP and blue lines show OCP. The photo-induced absorption (PIE), stimulated emission (SA) and ground state bleaching (GSB) peaks are labeled in the figure. (e) Optical selectivity (η) decays with disorder (W). Lines with different colors represent different optical transition energies off the A exciton resonance of 1.860 eV. The numbers near lines show the transition energy relative to the direct band gap. (f) Schematic illustration of A and B excitonic transitions in the K and K′ valleys. The gray arrows show the exciton spin orientations. Coulomb-induced intervalley coupling in TMDC materials leads to a decay of the optically generated valley polarization. The impurity assisted exchange term X leads to a carrier transfer between the resonant states in the two valleys (A–A, B–B coupling). The Coulomb-induced renormalization term Y couples A and B excitons with the same spin at different valleys. It does not cause carrier exchange between the valleys but leads to energetic shifts of the excitonic states in both valleys. Panels (a)–(d) are reproduced from Ref. [28]; panels (e) is reproduced from Ref. [26]; and panels (f) is reproduced from Ref. [31]. |
Furthermore, the same HRTA idea has been attempted with broadband probe on MoS2 and WS2,[20,28–30] which provides complete spectra evolutions around various excitons transitions. Figure
Despite there are differences related to the nature of the samples in transient absorption studies, some common features are ubiquitously observed. First, there is always a bleaching of the lowest-energy excitonic features accompanied by red-shifted photo-induced absorption sidebands as shown in Fig.
The second ubiquitous feature is a strong signal in the unpumped K′ valley arise immediately (within the experimental temporal resolution) after pumping the K valley. The population of K′ valley can be either directly excited by pump excitation or through very rapid intervalley scattering within 100 fs temporal resolution of the measurement. Early work by Wang et al. proposed that the carriers in the K′ valley is populated directly by the pump excitation, a firstprinciples simulation including disorder as shown in Fig.
With the presence of optical excited photo carriers in semiconductors, band gaps are “renormalized” by many-body effects arising from the presence of free carriers in the system due to exchange correlation corrections. Normally, this effect reduces the band gap and is usually referred to as the “bandgap renormalization” effect. Due to the enhanced many-body coulomb interaction, a result of extreme quantum confinement and reduced screening, the band gap renormalization effect is very prominent in thin layer TMDs. Pogna et al. studied the bandgap renormalization effect with pump excitation density (
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) (a) Band structure at K point in absence (left) and in presence (right) of pump pulse absorption. The red lines mark the optical excitation. Due to the presence of photo-excited carriers, there is reduction of bandgap (ΔEg) and exciton binding energy (ΔEb), the overall shift of the excitonic absorption resonances: ![]() ![]() |
With higher pump excitation density, the semiconductor undergoes a Mott transition from an insulating excitonic regime to an electron–hole plasma as shown in Fig.
The stark effect is the shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms and molecules due to the presence of an external electric field. In optical stark effect, such external electric field is provided by the AC electric field of light. For exciton state in monolayer TMDs, the ground state and the exciton state can be approximated as a two-level system similar to that in an atomic system as shown in Fig.
![]() |
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) (a) Schematic of the optical stark effect. The dashed black and yellow lines denote the unperturbed ground and exciton states, respectively. The pump photon energy is lower than the exciton resonance energy. (b) Absorbance of monolayer WS2 with (red dash) and without (black) pump excitation that simulates the stark effect. (c) The simulated change of absorption induced by the pump pulses. (d) The transient reflection spectrum of monolayer WSe2 at zero delay of probe. Panels (a) and (d) are reproduced from Ref. [34]; and panels (b) and (c) are reproduced from Ref. [33]. |
Using non-resonant circularly polarized pump excitation and broad band probe spectroscopy, Kim et al. and Sie et al. have studied the valley-selective stark effect in monolayer WSe2[34] and WS2,[33] respectively. As shown in Fig.
By applying intense circularly polarized light, which breaks time-reversal symmetry, the exciton level in each valley can be selectively tuned through the valley-selective optical stark effect, this provides a convenient route to lift the valley degeneracy. On the other hand, valley degeneracy can be lifted by applying an external magnetic field through Zeeman effect.[35–37] however, with 7 T external magnetic field, the energy splitting is less than 1 meV in a monolayer WSe2.[36] The photo-induced valley energy splitting can be as large as 10 meV in WSe2 through valley-selective stark effect, which is equivalent to pseudo-magnetic field of 60 T.
Time-resolved Kerr/Faraday rotation (TRKR/TRFR) is sensitive to the spin states of both photo created and resident carriers polarized by left or right circularly polarized pump laser. In TRKR/TRFR measurements as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) (a) Schematic diagram of the TRFR experiment. The red and blue arrows represent the spin of the photo-excited electrons and holes (b) Kerr rotation dynamics at 4 K for a σ+ and σ− pump beam. The laser excitation energy is 1.735 eV. The inset indicates optical selection rules of the excitons in K± valleys and their coupling induced by the long-range exchange interaction. (c) Temperature dependence of Kerr rotation dynamics after a σ+ polarized pump pulse excitation (d) Temporal evolution of θF(t) in semi logarithmic scale measured at 77 K. The black line is a bi-exponential fit to the data (red line). (e) Schematic illustration of a simple single-electron picture of the conduction and valence bands at the K and K′ valleys of MoS2 together with the relevant optical selection rules and scattering processes. The conduction bands are separately drawn as spin-up (K) and spin-down (K′) components with slightly different curvature and small splitting. The n↑, n↓, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Due to the valley-selective excitation with circularly polarized pump and spin–valley coupling in TMDs, the sign of Kerr rotation would reverse if the helicity of the pump pulse is reversed as shown in Fig.
Using probe photon energy below A exciton resonance, long lived transfer of spin/valley polarization to resident electrons and holes has been observed in doped Mo(W)S2 and WSe2 respectively with TRKR measurements.[41,42] As shown in Fig.
Yang et al.[42] used TRKR to measure the n-doped MoS2 and WS2 with probe photon energy just below A exciton resonance, the results as shown in Fig.
In this review paper, we have discussed most, if not all, helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy measurements that concern monolayer TMDs so far and try to draw a consistent conclusion regarding the spin/valley dynamics from a comprehensive consideration of these results obtained by different ultrafast spectroscopy measurements. Due to the extremely large many-body Coulomb interactions in atomically thin TMDs, band renormalization dominates the transient absorption response with above optical gap pump excitation of photo carriers. The Coulomb-induced bandgap renormalization together with impurity-induced intervalley carrier transfer also accounts for the prominent spectral features in both valley immediate after the pump excitations. While with pump excitation below bandgap, the optical stark effect dominates the response and if excited with circularly polarized light, the optical stark effect induces a very large pseudo magnetic field (~ 60 T) and breaks the valley degeneracy.
The radiative lifetimes of exciton and trion are relatively short (~ ps for exciton and over 10 ps for trion) at low temperature. Generally, the trion radiative lifetime is longer than that of exciton because the oscillator strength of trion is lower due to a stronger localization comparing to exciton. As radiative lifetimes of exciton and trion are both relatively short, the intervalley scattering process is generally not observed in a PL measurement of exciton state; for trion state, the fast component of intervalley scattering time is still short (~ 10 ps) due to the efficient intervalley exchange interaction. However, the valley pseudospin will transfer from photo-excited valley-polarized trion to the resident carriers, leaving behind valley-polarized electron/hole, this would develop a much longer spin polarization lifetime after the radiative recombination as a single particle spin slip is needed for the residue electron/hole which usually takes longer. For this case, spin lifetime up to 3 ns (1 ns) is observed for electron (hole), which is 2–3 orders longer than the typical radiative recombination time of exciton states.
In this work, we only concern the valley/spin dynamics in single species of TMDs, which provides the starting point and building block towards the full understanding and manipulation of valley degree of freedom for various possible valley-based applications. For future work, helicity-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy has to be applied on TMDs with better control of various material parameters such as defects, magnetic dopants, both for better understanding of valley/spin dynamics and for better quantum control of the valley degree of freedom. For multi-functional devices, van der Waals heterostructures[64] based on TMDs provide infinite opportunities, but their valley/spin-related dynamics remains to be explored experimentally, especially with ultrafast spectroscopy.[65]
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