Photodetecting and light-emitting devices based on two-dimensional materials
Yu Yuanfang1, Miao Feng2, ‡, He Jun3, §, Ni Zhenhua1, †

(color online) (a) Schematic illustration (top left) of the photodetector based on graphene/MoS2heterostructure, where the channel is formed in between the comb-shaped source and drain metal electrodes (top right). Photoresponsivity (bottom left) and photogain (bottom right) for the graphene/MoS2 photodetectors.[74] (b) I–V characteristics of the graphene–MoS2–graphene heterostructures-based device under laser illumination. Schematic illustration of the side view of the device (inset).[75] (c) Schematic diagram of a van derWaals-stacked MoS2/WSe2 heterojunction device with lateral metal contacts (top). Measured and simulated photocurrent at Vds = 0 V as a function of gate voltages (bottom). Photocurrent map of the device (inset).[76] (d) Cross-section schematic of MoS2–graphene–WSe2 heterostructure based photodetector (top). Photoresponsivity R (left) and specific detectivity D* (right) of a typical device for wavelengths range from 400 to 2400 nm measured in ambient air (bottom). Optical image of the device (inset).[77]