Photodetecting and light-emitting devices based on two-dimensional materials
Yu Yuanfang1, Miao Feng2, ‡, He Jun3, §, Ni Zhenhua1, †

(color online) (a) Photoluminescence image of isolated defect QDs in WSe2. The dashed triangle indicates the position of the monolayer WSe2 (left). Photoluminescence spectrum of localized emitters (middle). The emission of the localized emitters exhibits much sharper spectral lines (the linewidths of the two spectra are ∼ 112 and 122 μeV, respectively. left inset) than that of free excitons (∼ 10 meV, right inset). Second-order correlation measurements revealed a strong photon antibunching (right).[100] (b) WSe2 emission spectra as a function of applied gate voltage, corresponding to light emission from quantum dot-like defects (left). Magnetic field dependence of a quantum dot emission spectra in the Faraday configuration (right).[102] (c) Fluorescence saturation curve obtained from a single defect in hBN multilayers. Scanning confocal image of a multilayer hBN sample (inset).[104]