Photoconductive multi-layer graphene photodetectors fabricated on etched silicon-on-insulator substratesr*

Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0402404), the High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2013AA031401, 2015AA016902, and 2015AA016904), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61674136, 61176053, 61274069, and 61435002).

Wang Yu-Bing, Yin Wei-Hong, Han Qin, Yang Xiao-Hong, Ye Han, Lv Qian-Qian, Yin Dong-Dong

(color online) (a) Photoresponses at 808 nm with increasing incident power density. (b) Photocurrent at 5-V bias voltage as a function of incident power. Dashed line refers to linear fitting.