Study of magnetic and optical properties of Zn1−x TMx Te (TM = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) diluted magnetic semiconductors: First principle approach
Mahmood Q1, Hassan M1, †, Faridi M A2

(color online) The illustration of p–d repulsion model in Zn1−x Mn x Te. (I) Atomic magnetically polarized energy levels of Mn cation and host lattice Te anion, (II) exchange splitting of the energy levels Δ x (d), (III) further splitting of the Mn-3d energy levels due to the crystal field, (VI) p−d exchange splitting Δ x (p−d), due to the interaction between Mn-3d and Te-5p energy levels, the shaded area shows host lattice valence and conduction band. The figure description is followed by the reference.[59]