Ballistic transport and quantum interference in InSb nanowire devices
Li Sen1, Huang Guang-Yao1, Guo Jing-Kun1, Kang Ning1, †, Caroff Philippe2, 3, Xu Hong-Qi1, ‡

(color online) (a) Magnetoconductance (MC) traces measured at a temperature of 10 mK from Vg = −1.2 V to Vg = 0.3 V, corresponding to the same region denoted by the orange square in Fig. 2(a). The step of Vg between adjacent traces is 0.06 V. (b) ∆G as a function of B and Vg obtained by subtracting the conductance at zero magnetic field G(0) from the MC traces. It can be clearly seen that ∆G exhibits a periodic-like behaviour as B and Vg is varied.