Granular packing as model glass formers
Wang Yujie1, 2, †

(color online) The order percolations (squares) and random percolations for (a) tetrahedral, (b) 5A, (c) 7A and (d) icosahedral orders for packing with . is the size of the cubic region cut out of the packing. is the longest spanning range of each cluster in directions parallel to the three axes of the cube, and is the longest among them. Smaller percolation threshold of order percolation than the corresponding random one suggests spatial correlation of the structural motif under some specific connection criterion. In each plot, data points with increasing darker colors represent increasing number of particles shared by neighboring structural motifs . correspond to vertex-, edge-, and face-sharing connections respectively. For , only percolations with evident differences with their random counterparts are shown, which is for 5A, for 7A, and for icosahedral orders. The figure is reproduced from [109].