Measurement-device-independent quantum cryptographic conferencing with an untrusted source
Chen Rui-Ke1, 2, Bao Wan-Su1, 2, †, Wang Yang1, 2, Bao Hai-Ze1, 2, Zhou Chun1, 2, Jiang Mu-Sheng1, 2, Li Hong-Wei1, 2

(color online) Secret key rate versus fiber length with different values of . The red dashed curve denotes the asymptotic secret key rate with trusted source in Ref. [43]. At short distance, the asymptotic key rates for the two cases (with trusted and untrusted sources) almost overlap. With and considering the imperfections of intensity detector, MDI-QCC with an untrusted source can achieve the nonzero asymptotic secret key rate in long distance approximating to 105 km.