Modulation of intra- and inter-sheet interactions in short peptide self-assembly by acetonitrile in aqueous solution
Deng Li1, Zhao Yurong1, Zhou Peng1, Xu Hai1, †, , Wang Yanting2, 3, ‡,

RDFs between different groups of solvents and peptides in the proto-fibril simulations in different solutions: panels (a), (c), and (e) are the results between water and nonpolar side chain (gOW−CG2(r)), between water and nitrogen on backbone (gOW−N(r)), and between water and oxygen on backbone (gOW−O(r)), respectively; panels (b), (d), and (f) are the results between nonpolar group of ACN and nonpolar side chain (gCT−CG2(r)), between polar group of ACN and nitrogen on backbone (gNZ−N(r)), and between polar group of ACN and oxygen on backbone (gNZ−O(r)), respectively.