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‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474195, 11274226, 11674214, and 51478258).
In this paper, we investigate the diffraction tomography for quantitative imaging damages of partly through-thickness holes with various shapes in isotropic plates by using converted and non-converted scattered Lamb waves generated numerically. Finite element simulations are carried out to provide the scattered wave data. The validity of the finite element model is confirmed by the comparison of scattering directivity pattern (SDP) of circle blind hole damage between the finite element simulations and the analytical results. The imaging method is based on a theoretical relation between the one-dimensional (1D) Fourier transform of the scattered projection and two-dimensional (2D) spatial Fourier transform of the scattering object. A quantitative image of the damage is obtained by carrying out the 2D inverse Fourier transform of the scattering object. The proposed approach employs a circle transducer network containing forward and backward projections, which lead to so-called transmission mode (TMDT) and reflection mode diffraction tomography (RMDT), respectively. The reconstructed results of the two projections for a non-converted S0 scattered mode are investigated to illuminate the influence of the scattering field data. The results show that Lamb wave diffraction tomography using the combination of TMDT and RMDT improves the imaging effect compared with by using only the TMDT or RMDT. The scattered data of the converted A0 mode are also used to assess the performance of the diffraction tomography method. It is found that the circle and elliptical shaped damages can still be reasonably identified from the reconstructed images while the reconstructed results of other complex shaped damages like crisscross rectangles and racecourse are relatively poor.
Lamb wave tomography is an imaging method of quantitatively assessing the size and severity of damage in plate. Early researchers[1–3] mostly used straight-ray Lamb wave (also called plate wave) tomography. However, the reconstruction algorithms used in these studies were based on the assumption of straight-ray propagation, ignoring the scattering. Malyarenko and Hinders[4] considered the diffraction effect in the time-of-flight Lamb wave tomography. They investigated the performance of time-of-flight tomography with the straight-ray assumption and the research showed that Lamb wave diffraction tomography could further improve image quality and resolution. Using finite element simulations and experiments, Belanger and Cawley[5] verified that low frequency Lamb waves could not be used for time-of-flight straight-ray quantitative tomography to evaluate the maximum depth of damage due to the invalidity of the ray theory, while the same frequency range could be used to successfully reconstruct thickness reduction in plates with diffraction tomography.[6]
With fully considering the effect of wave-damage interactions, a Lamb wave diffraction tomography approach in which the diffracted scattering field is measured to quantitatively retrieve the damage information embodies the essential development trend of Lamb wave detection. In the last decade, Lamb wave diffraction tomography based on Fourier diffraction theory has been studied for imaging flexural inhomogeneities in plates.[7–13] The scattering of plate wave by localized damage was examined within the framework of Mindlin plate theory, which provided an accurate characterisation of A0 mode at frequencies below the cut-off frequency for the A1 mode. The Born approximation for the scattered field leads to a plate-theory analog of the Fourier diffraction theorem, which relates the far-field scattering amplitudes to the spatial Fourier transform of the inhomogeneity variations. The results showed that this framework enabled the quantitative reconstructions of location, size and severity of plate damage with excellent sensitivity and offered the potential for detecting corrosion thinning, disbands and delamination damage in structural integrity management applications. However, the theoretical framework with far-field Born approximation assumed that the damage was at the center of the transducer network. In view of this, Ng[11] proposed a two-stage image approach, which overcame this limitation by first determining the location of the damage in stage-one, and then modifying the amplitudes and phases of the scattering wave signals. The amplitude and phase modification allowed the direct application of the far-field Born approximation in the stage-two damage imaging. Hence, the method was applicable for the damage at different locations with the transducer network. Most recently, Chan and Francis[12,13] have presented an extended diffraction tomography method by using numerical Green’s functions. The new algorithm, built on the far-field diffraction tomography method developed by Rose and Wang,[10] overcame this far-field condition limitation and utilized a near-field multi-static data matrix as the input data. Excellent image quality has been shown for circle and racecourse shaped damages.
The above studies[7–13] only took into account a single anti-symmetric scattering mode that was the same as the incident mode. As is well known, the scattered waves also contain the converted waves when the damage is non-symmetrical about the mid-plane of the plate. The imaging effect of this converted mode has not been adequately investigated in these studies.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the diffraction tomography for quantitative imaging damages of partly through-thickness holes with various shapes in isotropic plates by using converted and non-converted scattered Lamb waves generated numerically. The effect of the scattering wave projection on the reconstructed image quality is first inspected. The imaging results of the two scattered Lamb modes are then compared. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, which have the guidance value for Lamb wave quantitative nondestructive evaluation.
Given a projection Pθi (
![]() | Fig. 1. Fourier diffraction theorem for forward and backward scattered waves: (a) physical space domain, and (b) k-space domain. |
In this section, numerical simulations are performed to acquire the scattered Lamb waves caused by the damages. The numerically simulated data of different damage cases are then used as the input to a diffraction tomography algorithm for quantitative damage imaging. A commercial finite element (FE) analysis package PZFlex is adopted for the simulations. A server Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 with 128 GB RAM is used to perform all FE calculations.
![]() | Fig. 3. Schematic diagrams of the configuration used in the finite element simulations: (a) transducer network and (b) excitation of the S0 mode. |
Consider the case of a square steel plate with thickness 2 mm and side 475 mm, Young’s modulus 210 GPa, density 8100 kg/m3, and Poisson’s ratio 0.33. The damage is located in the center of the plate. The plate is interrogated by a tone-burst of center frequency 200 kHz applied to the elements of a circular transducer array with the radius 200 mm, which are surrounded by an absorbing region with side 37.5 mm to prevent unwanted reflections from the edge of the plate. With this combination of frequency and thickness, the fundamental S0 mode is excited by exerting symmetric normal displacements at the same location on the opposite sides of the plate. The schematic diagram of the finite element setup showing the transducer array and excitation mode is shown in Fig.
The plate is modeled into four regions, which are shown in Fig.
The damage is modeled as a non-symmetric cavity about the mid-plane of the plate as shown in Figs.
This section gives an analytic verification of the three-dimensional (3D) finite element model. The analytical model for guided wave scattering from a circle blind hole damage in an isotropic plate by using Poisson and Mindlin plate wave theories was presented by Cegla et al. in Ref. [17]. In this model the wave function expansion technique and coupling conditions at the defect boundary were used in order to evaluate the scattered far fields of the three fundamental guided wave modes. The results will be compared with those of the finite model where the circle blind hole damage with radius a = 4 mm and hole depth 2(h – b) = 1.6 mm in case 1 is used in the validation.
As is well known, the mode conversion phenomena will occur when the incident S0 Lamb mode interacts with the non-symmetric damage. There will be S0, converted A0 and SH0 mode waves in the scattering fields at frequency-thickness product 400 kHz · mm. Each mode exists in a dominating displacement component in the far field. The scattered S0, A0, and SH0 modes can be captured by calculating the radial in-plane displacement ur, tangential in-plane displacement uθ, and out-of-plane displacement uz, respectively. The scattering far field amplitudes in the polar coordinate system are here defined as follows:[18]
Two finite element simulations with identical grids for the plate with and without the damage are conducted. The scattered Lamb waves are obtained from 100 monitoring locations by calculating the difference between the signals from the intact and the damage plates. The scattering directivity pattern (SDP) is obtained by calculating the maximum absolute amplitude of the scattered Lamb waves, where the amplitudes of all scattered waves are normalized by the maximum amplitude of the incident S0 Lamb wave at the center location of the damage zone of the incident intact plate. As observed in Fig.
Using the analytically verified 3D finite element scattering model, the scattered S0 and A0 Lamb waves for damages of different shapes and sizes can then calculated. For a fixed incident wave angle θi, the scattered waves at various scattered angles θs provide values of 2D Fourier transform of scattering object in a semi-circle in the k-space domain. The scattered data are taken at 100 monitoring nodes located at r = 200 mm and 0° ≤ θs ≤ 360° in steps of 3.6°. Diffraction tomography requires enough projection angles to populate throughout the circle or annulus region in the k-space domain,[19] which can be obtained by varying the incident wave angle θi. In the subsequent image reconstruction, 16 projection angles in steps of 22.5° for 0° ≤ θi ≤ 360° are used.
![]() | Fig. 8. Scattered S0 and A0 Lamb wave data of four damage cases in Fig. |
Scattered S0 and A0 Lamb wave data of four kinds of damages in Fig.
The quantitative images of the damages are evaluated by carrying out the 2D inverse Fourier transform for the obtained F2D {O(r)} (kx(ω),ky(ω)). Because the scattered wave data must be cast on a uniform calculation grid in k-space domain before the 2D inverse Fourier transform, a bilinear interpolation technique is employed in the 2D Fourier interpolation.
The numerical simulated data of the four cases in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 13. Reconstructed images of four cases with using the full field scattered data of A0 mode as the input of diffraction tomography. |
An imaging approach based on Fourier diffraction projection theorem is investigated for quantitatively characterizing various shaped damages in plate-like structures. Unlike the existing Lamb wave diffraction tomography method that is based on Mindlin plate theory for imaging inhomogeneity with symmetric reduction of plate thickness, this paper focuses on the partly through-thick holes with various shapes that are not symmetric about the mid-plane of the plate, for which the scattered waves will also contain the converted antisymmetric mode although a symmetric S0 incoming field is considered. Using the full field scattered S0 wave data generated from the finite simulations, imaging results for four damage cases with different shapes like circle, inclined ellipse, crisscross rectangles and racecourse show excellent image quality. The predicted geometrical shapes and sizes of the damages in the four numerical examples are highly accurate and comparable to the actual damage characteristics. However, both TMDT and RMDT using the only forward or backward projections cannot provide good estimates for the shape and size of damage because they lose the detailed information about the image. The imaging results of the converted A0 mode for these damages are also observed. It is found that the complex shaped damages are not well reconstructed except for the circle and elliptical damages. The results in this paper illustrate that the mode-converted scattered Lamb waves can also be used for quantitatively imaging simple shaped damages.
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