Modulation instabilities in randomly birefringent two-mode optical fibers
Li Jin-Hua1, †, , Ren Hai-Dong2, Pei Shi-Xin1, Cao Zhao-Lou1, Xian Feng-Lin1, ‡,

(a) The evolution of the MI from a CW input calculated for the normal dispersion with r = 1, s = 1.2, fAB = 0.53, fBB = 0.72, δ1 = 2, P = P1 + P2 = 1.5, P1 = 0.75, P2 = 0.75, P1x/P1 = 0.4, P1y/P1 = 0.6, P2x/P2 = 0.7, and P2y/P2 = 0.3; (b) the waves in the x- and y-polarizations of each mode at ξ = 0 (red line) and ξ = 30 (blue line).