North west cape-induced electron precipitation and theoretical simulation
Zhang Zhen-xia1, †, , Li Xin-qiao2, Wang Chen-Yu3, Chen Lun-Jin4

Simulated NWC electron precipitation structures after subtraction of initial flux distribution from final flux distribution. Parameters used in simulation: frequency ω/(2π) = 19.8 kHz; wave amplitude δb = 200 pT; semiband width 500 Hz; and N0 = 1000 counts/s. The equatorial pitch angles αeq used in the simulation ranging from 0.3 to 0.44, corresponding to the observation range by the DEMETER and NOAA satellites. The loss cones were set as follows: LCdrift = (a) 5°; (b) 10°; (c) 15°, all of which were with a bounce loss cone.