An ultra-wideband pattern reconfigurable antenna based on graphene coating
Jiang YanNan1, 2, 3, Yuan Rui1, Gao Xi1, 2, Wang Jiao1, 2, 3, †, , Li SiMin2, Lin Yi-Yu1, 2

(a) The proposed reconfigurable antenna using a CGC with the radius of d, (b) the front-penetrative view of the proposed configuration, and (c) an example of the binary code. The polysilicon pads (yellow in the insert) are used to control the graphene conductivity σs as a function of the bias electrostatic by applied DC voltage VDCi. All dimensions are in millimeters: Gh = 20, the length l of the monopole and its ground diameter are 4.5 and 40, respectively. The distance between the pads satisfies g << s. The polysilicon pads and the SiO2 substrate (with the thickness of t) are excluded in the subsequent simulation because of their extremely thin profile.[16]