Direct observation of the carrier transport process in InGaN quantum wells with a pn-junction
Wu Haiyan†, , Ma Ziguang†, , Jiang Yang, Wang Lu, Yang Haojun, Li Yangfeng, Zuo Peng, Jia Haiqiang, Wang Wenxin, Zhou Junming, Liu Wuming, Chen Hong‡,

PL spectra and light-to-electricity conversion results for device A under resonant excitation of 405 nm laser. (a) PL spectra under both short-circuit and open-circuit conditions with a 27 mW excitation power. Under open-circuit conditions, the measured open-circuit voltage is 2.452 V. Under short-circuit conditions, the peak wavelength of the PL spectrum shows a blue shift, and the measured short-circuit current is 3.38 mA. The device under short-circuit conditions exhibits much weaker emission, and the integrated PL intensity is reduced to 4.85% of that under open-circuit conditions. (b) The excitation-power-dependent integrated PL intensities and peak wavelength. The ratio of the integrated PL intensity under short-circuit conditions to that under open-circuit conditions shows a monotonic increase from 1.42% to 4.85%. (c) Plots showing the excitation-power-dependent open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current. The open-circuit voltage increases exponentially with increasing excitation power, whereas the short-circuit current increases linearly with increasing excitation power.