Disorder effects in topological states: Brief review of the recent developments
Wu Binglan1, Song Juntao2, Zhou Jiaojiao1, Jiang Hua1, †,

(a) and (d) One-dimensional energy bands for the 2D anisotropic BHZ stripe with Z2 = 0 and sample width Wy = 300 (a), 60 (d) described in the main text. Panels (b) and (e) show the distributions of edge states in real space corresponding to panels (a) and (d) with fixed Fermi energy. Panels (c) and (f) show schematic plots of helical edge modes corresponding to panels (a) and (d), respectively. The vertical arrows represent the electron spin. In panel (f), the helical edge channels around kx = π are hybridized due to finite size confinement, leaving one pair of helical edge channels around kx = 0. Thus, these conducting channels resemble the helical edge channels in a Z2 = 1 QSHE (g). Panels (c), (f), and (g) are adapted from Ref. [33].