Temperature-dependent specific heat of suspended platinum nanofilms at 80–380 K
Li Qin-Yi1, 2, Narasaki Masahiro2, Takahashi Koji2, 3, Ikuta Tatsuya2, 3, Nishiyama Takashi2, 3, Zhang Xing1, †,

V3ωf fitting curves at various thermal conductivities for Sample-2 at 80 K. The solid circles show the experimental data; the solid line shows the best fit with 0.01 W/(m·K) and 0.01 J/(kg·K) resolutions, with the fitting results being 20.92 W/(m·K) and 200.1 J/(kg·K); the dashed line shows the V3ωf curve with a thermal conductivity 2% lower than the fitting result, whereas the dash-dot line shows the V3ωf curve with a thermal conductivity 2% higher than the fitting result.