Temperature-dependent specific heat of suspended platinum nanofilms at 80–380 K
Li Qin-Yi1, 2, Narasaki Masahiro2, Takahashi Koji2, 3, Ikuta Tatsuya2, 3, Nishiyama Takashi2, 3, Zhang Xing1, †,

Ratio of the specific heat of metallic nanofilms to the bulk value. The solid squares, circles, and triangles denote the results of the suspended Pt nanofilms measured in this work; the hollow symbols denote reference data for supported Cu, Al, and Au nanofilms (20–60-nm thick) with significant size effects (cp,nanofilm/cp,bulk > 1); spheres denote reference data for a supported Au nanofilm (54.6-nm thick) with no size effects (cp,nanofilm/cp,bulk = 1).