Wang Yi-Yan 1, 2, †,  , Yu Qiao-He 1, 2, †,  , Xia Tian-Long 1, 2, ‡,
(a) Polar angle θ dependence of in-plane resistivity ρxx at H = 10, 6, 2 T. The temperature and azimuthal angle are fixed at T = 2.5 K and φ = 90° respectively. The red curve is the fitting of cosine function. (b) Magnetic field H dependence of in-plane resistivity ρxx with different polar angle θ at 2.5 K. (c) In-plane magnetoresistance MR versus magnetic field H with the temperature from 5 K to 150 K. (d) The field derivative of the MR as a function of magnetic field H. The straight lines in low field regions are linear fitting results using the relationship MR = A2H2. Lines in high field regions are fitting results using MR = A1H + O(H2). The intersection of fitting lines in low field and high field is defined as critical point H*. (e) Temperature dependence of critical point H*. The solid curve is the fit to the equation |