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Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of new predicted half-Heusler YCrSb and YMnSb compounds within the ordered MgAgAs C1b-type structure are investigated by employing first-principal calculations based on density functional theory. Through the calculated total energies of three possible atomic placements, we find the most stable structures regarding YCrSb and YMnSb materials, where Y, Cr(Mn), and Sb atoms occupy the (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.25, 0.25, 0.25), and (0, 0, 0) positions, respectively. Furthermore, structural properties are explored for the non-magnetic and ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic states and it is found that both materials prefer ferromagnetic states. The electronic band structure shows that YCrSb has a direct band gap of 0.78 eV while YMnSb has an indirect band gap of 0.40 eV in the majority spin channel. Our findings show that YCrSb and YMnSb materials exhibit half-metallic characteristics at their optimized lattice constants of 6.67 Å and 6.56 Å, respectively. The half-metallicities associated with YCrSb and YMnSb are found to be robust under large in-plane strains which make them potential contenders for spintronic applications.
To meet the essentials of the advance technological applications, the search for the best materials in general and for spintronics applications in particular is a challenge. Spin-polarized ferromagnetic materials are generally supposed to be the best replacements for conventional materials.[1] The quest for brand-new materials in the field of spintronics has guided towards Heusler alloys in the last three decades due to their ability to be strong candidates for spin based electronic materials. The important part regarding spintronics is a way to obtain spin-polarized charge carriers. Half metallic ferromagnets (HMFs) are a type of brand new material because of their distinctive characters and tend to be probably the most essential components designed for spintronics.[2] HMFs have attracted considerable interest within last three decades due to their unique property of possessing a semi-conducting behavior in one spin direction with a narrow gap at the Fermi level (EF) producing 100% polarization at the EF and metallic behavior in other spin direction. HMFs will be appealing materials that can result in high performance applications in spintronics devices, as a source of spin-polarized charge carriers injected, such as spin-field effect transistor (FET), spin-light emitting diode (LED) along with tunneling devices.[3] HMFs with half-Heusler (HH) structure offer the great possibility of integrating magnetic devices into semiconductor technologies and potential applications in spintronics due to their structural resemblance to the zinc-blende phase and relatively high Curie temperature.
In 1983, de Groot et al.[4] initially predicted the Half-metallic (HM) ferromagnetism by exploring the band structure calculations of Mn-based materials in semi-Heusler NiMnSb, which is right now more successful to be synthesized experimentally with single crystalline nature.[5] Several studies relevant to HMFs are already expected theoretically and also many of HMFs are validated experimentally. Half-metallicity is located in Heusler compounds[5–10] and several other kinds of materials which include ferromagnetic metallic oxides,[11–14] nanostructures,[15] binary transition metal pnictides (chemical compounds) as well as chalcogenides acquiring zinc-blended and rock-salt structural arrangements.[16–20]
Numerous studies have already been conducted on these types of materials and plenty of them have become HMFs. But often experimental synthesis of these materials at the room temperature is difficult, as half-metallicity is lost due to very small HM energy gap (EHM) and very large magnetic moments arises. Small half metallic gap and large magnetic moment means high stray field. EHM would frequently vanishes in each of these HH materials when strain mismatch rises at the interface with traditional semiconductor. In addition, HM materials having a large magnetic moment are not really ideal for spintronic practical applications, since the big magnetic moment indicates higher stray fields as well as large energy deficits. This particular deficiency inspires us to find brand new HM alloys that have modest magnetic moment and larger EHM. The outcomes offered by this study might be helpful in understanding the applications of these HH materials in the arena of spintronics. Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of HH YCrSb and YMnSb are explored in this study for the sake of their novel applications.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, the details of computational technique are elaborated. Within Section 3, the particular stableness, electronic and magnetic attributes are presented and discussed. Finally, various conclusions are presented in Section 4.
To cope with the exchange and correlation potential, all computations are executed within density function theory (DFT) using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) available as Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.[21] A cycle of self-consistent scheme is performed to find out the structural and electronic properties of YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials by solving the Kohn–Sham equations.[22] through utilizing the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method (FPLAPW)[23] as implemented within the WIEN2K simulation code.[24] A k-point mesh of 15 × 15 × 15 is chosen for the calculations of these HH materials each with muffin-tin sphere radius of 2.5 a.u (atomic unit), for Y, Cr(Mn), and Sb atoms, respectively, and the value of RMT × Kmax is set to be 9. Expansion of site-centered potentials and densities is taken with the angular momentum up to lmax = 10. The particular Brillouin zone (BZ) integration is completed from the standard tetrahedron approach.[25] For the two consecutive computations, the actual convergence criterion in this self-consistent information with regard to ionic relaxations is 10−5 eV/unit cell.
HH alloy with general formula XYZ only one magnetic sublattice, where X and Y are the transitional metals and Z is the main group element. HH materials belong to a family relating to traditional semiconductors such as Si or GaAs, and crystalize into non-centrosymmetric cubic MgAgAs–C1b structure (space group F-43m, No. 216) having 1:1:1 stoichiometry, which is ternary arranged different from the CaF2 and can be derived from the tetrahedral ZnS-type structure.[26] The Wyckoff positions of the three interpenetrating fcc lattices are 4a (0, 0, 0), 4b (1/2, 1/2, 1/2), and 4c (1/4, 1/4, 1/4), and the 4d (3/4, 3/4, 3/4) site is empty. In essence X, Y, and Z atoms can occupy these Wyckoff positions 4a, 4b, and 4c sites, respectively. Three unique phases (XI, XII, XIII) are possible for X, Y, and Z atoms by changing these atomic positions in a unit cell, for instance XI, XII, and XIII phases can be organized at distinct Wyckoff positions.[27] Atomic layout for each phase is presented in Table
![]() | Fig. 1. Conventional unit cells of YCrSb half-Heusler alloy in the MgAgAs (C1b) structure for the three distinct XI, XII, and XIII atomic arrangements. |
![]() | Table 1. Site preferences of X, Y, and Z atoms in three atomic arrangements XI, XII, and XIII in the C1b half-Heusler structure. The 4d site is empty. . |
Exploration of XYZ materials within three feasible arrangements is essential because a few experimental researches display that the composition associated with half-Heusler materials rely on the atomic disorderness.[27–29] The crystalline framework of C1b-type structure associated with this kind of material can be reviewed properly from Refs. [30] and [31]. In our latest information, there is no experimental nor theoretical report so far, relating to both YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials. Murnaghan's equation of state[32] is utilized to find out the lattice constants. Prior to studying electronic and magnetic properties, stabilities of the crystal structure of YCrSb and YMnSb are checked by optimizing the total energy as a function of volume for all the three possible states. Variations of total energy with volumes of YCrSb and YMnSb compounds for all the three possible XI, XII, and XIII phases are shown in Fig.
The optimized lattice constants of the YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials for stable XI phase are 6.673 Å and 6.565 Å, respectively. For these two studied compounds with the ferromagnetic state, the computed lattice constant, total energy, bulk modulus B (in unit GPa) and first order derivative of the modulus B′ evaluated by using unit cell volume at zero pressure for the three unique phases are detailed in Table
![]() | Table 2. Values of Optimized lattice constant aopt (in unit Å), the bulk modulus B (in unit GPa), the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus B, the total energy (in unit Ry) of the YCrSb and YMnSb materials. . |
Spin-polarized (magnetic phase) and non-spin polarized (non-magnetic phase) calculations are also carried out for each of YCrSb and YMnSb compounds within the stable XI structure. The variations of total energy with volume are presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Variations of calculated total energy with volume (a) YCrSb and (b) YMnSb in stable XI phase for non-magnetic (NM), ferromagnetic (FM) and anti-ferromagnetic states. |
![]() | Table 3. Calculated values of formation energy Efor (in unit eV) per formula unit, spin-up band gap Eg (in unit eV), half-metallic gap EHM (in unit eV), and the energy difference between ferromagnetic and non-magnetic states ΔEFM-NM (in unit eV) for YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials. . |
To confirm that the studied materials can possibly be synthesized experimentally, formation energy (ΔHfor) is also taken into consideration for the YCrSb and YMnSb materials which can be explained by using the following equation:
The electronic structure affects an essential part to identify the HM properties associated with HH materials. Band structures of YCrSb and YMnSb alloys are shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 4. Spin-resolved band structures of half-Heusler YCrSb (a) spin up and (b) spin down. Fermi level is set to be zero. |
![]() | Fig. 5. Spin-resolved band structures of half-Heusler YMnSb (a) spin up and (b) spin down. Fermi level is set to zero. |
The number of states for each period of energy which are occupied by the specific energy levels is usually explained by the density of states (DOS) of the system. To examine the electronic natures of the YCrSb and YMnSb materials, total and partial DOS within the magnetic phase designed for spin-up and spin-down channel are also measured by utilizing the PBE-GGA. The particular DOS graphics are displayed in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. Spin-polarized densities of state for the total and individual atoms at the equilibrium lattice constant for the XI phase (a) YCrSb and (b) YMnSb. |
A solid hybridization among the d-orbitals of Y, Cr, and Mn atoms is found, which divides the d orbitals of these atoms into d–eg and d–t2g states. A semiconducting gap is found for the majority-spin channel. It can be visualized that states near the EF for both majority and minority spin states are mostly contributed due to the Cr/Mn (d–t2g) and Y (d–t2g) atoms, which is comparable to various other transition-metal element based HH materials.[3,33]
To clarify the origin of the semiconducting gap, d–d hybridization nearby the Fermi energy level can be revealed inside Fig.
The origin of magnetic moment for the HH alloy is described in this subsection. The total and individual magnetic moment of the atoms per unit cell in the unit of multiples of Bhor magnetron for the YCrSb and YMnSb for the XI structural phase are presented in Table
![]() | Table 4. Calculated values of total and local magnetic moment (in unit μB) of the individual atom and interstitial site for YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials. . |
In the experimental fabrication of HH alloys on a substrate to make device applications, lattice mismatch may happen due to the influence of various factors. For this “strain engineering” technique[35] is usually used to obtain the required electrical and physical properties of HH alloys through developing layered alloys by lattice mismatched substrates. Therefore, it is essential to further investigate the lattice parameter strain engineering by exploring the robustness belonging to the HM through changing the lattice constants of these two studied materials. Total magnetic moments and the spin moments of the Y, Cr, Mn, and Sb atom, with respect to lattice parameter are shown in the Fig.
In this work, structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of HH YCrSb and YMnSb materials with three different atomic arrangements (XI, XII, and XIII) are investigated by using FP–LAPW method. Calculated formation energies confirm that these compounds are chemically stable. Results revel that both YCrSb and YMnSb are true HMFs having integral magnetic moments of 4 μB and 3 μB, respectively. The total magnetic moments of the studied materials are mainly contributed by the Cr and Mn atoms respectively. The particular d–d hybridization between the transition-metal elements Y and Cr/Mn sorts the semiconducting gap inside the majority-spin as some other transition-metal centered HH materials. We find that half-metallic gaps are 0.43 eV and 0.13 eV for the YCrSb and YMnSb HH compounds, respectively. The electronic structure and DOS calculations indicate that both YCrSb and YMnSb HH materials show semiconductor natures in majority spin channel and in contrast, conducting trend observed in minority spin channel. It is found that YCrSb and YMnSb preserve their HMs for lattice constant ranges of 5.77 Å–6.85 Å and 5.92 Å–6.81 Å, respectively and retain 100% spin polarization at the EF.
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