Quantum metrology with two-mode squeezed thermal state: Parity detection and phase sensitivity
Li Heng-Mei1, †, , Xu Xue-Xiang2, Yuan Hong-Chun3, 4, Wang Zhen1

Phase sensitivity δϕ with parity detection as a function of the shift phase ϕ with different input TMSTS. (a) r = 0.4, 1 = 0 (solid), 2 (dashed), 2 = 0; (b) r = 1, 1 = 0 (solid), 2 (dashed), 2 = 0; (c) r = 0.2 solid), 2 (dashed), 1 = 0, 2 = 0; (d) r = 0.2 (solid), 2 (dashed), 1 = 0.2, 2 = 0.2.