Configuration optimization of laser guide stars and wavefront correctors for multi-conjugation adaptive optics
Xuan Li1, He Bin1, 2, Hu Li-Fa1, †, , Li Da-Yu1, Xu Huan-Yu1, Zhang Xing-Yun1, Wang Shao-Xin1, Wang Yu-Kun1, Yang Cheng-Liang1, Cao Zhao-Liang1, Mu Quan-Quan1, Lu Xing-Hai1

Scheme of turbulence tomography using LGS. The gray disks are the footprints of LGS light cone at the correspondent turbulence layer, respectively. Their radius is proportional to a factor Kl = (hghl)/hg. The position vector of the center at the l layer is βghl. Light beam from LGS g goes to a position of r through the point Klr + βghl at the l layer.