Controllable all-optical stochastic logic gates and their delay storages based on the cascaded VCSELs with optical-injection
Zhong Dongzhou†, , Luo Wei, Xu Geliang

Success probabilities computed with 90/10 and 80/20 criteria as a function of the injection strength KMx (KMy) in the x(y)-polarization, and the duration of the bit T. Here, μM = μS = 1.2; KMx = KMy; KSx = KSy = 50KMx; Einj = 0.6. (a) The logic outputs X1 and Y1; (b) the logic outputs X2 and Y2. The first and the third columns are for 90/10 criterion; and the second and the fourth columns are for 80/20 criterion. The first to seventh rows are in turn the logical NOT, AND, NAND, XOR, XNOR, OR, NOR.