Analysis of the induction of the myelin basic protein binding to the plasma membrane phospholipid monolayer
Zhang Lei, Hao Changchun†, , Feng Ying, Gao Feng, Lu Xiaolong, Li Junhua, Sun Runguang‡,

AFM image (10×10) of DPPS (a)–(c), DPPC/DPPS (7:3, V/V) (d)–(f), and DPPC (g)–(i) in the presence of MBP (5 nM) at low, medium, and high surface pressure: 10 mN/m ((a), (d), (g)), 20 mN/m ((b), (e), (h)), 30 mN/m ((c), (f), (i)). Scale bar: 5 μm.