Fabrication of Al/AlOx/Al junctions using pre-exposure technique at 30-keV e-beam voltage
Lan Dong1, Xue Guangming1, †, , Liu Qiang1, Tan Xinsheng1, Yu Haifeng1, 2, ‡, , Yu Yang1, 2

(a) An e-beam lithographic pattern to fabricate large-area Josephson junction using the bridge-free technique. Blue color indicates an open area of junction location exposed with PMMA dose while orange color the area exposed with MAA dose. (b) The SEM picture of the Josephson junction after shadow evaporation and lift-off. The red rectangle is the junction with an area of 2 μm × 3 μm. (c) IV curve of a Josephson junction prepared using this technique with critical current of 1.2 μA and IcRn product of ∼280 μV.