Perfect spin filtering controlled by an electric field in a bilayer graphene junction: Effect of layer-dependent exchange energy
Jatiyanon Kitakorn1, Tang I-Ming2, Soodchomshom Bumned1, †,

Comparison of transmissions in the P and AP configurations at zero gate potential. P-and AP-junctions. Panels (a) and (b) show the transmissions for the two configurations when the electric field is absent (i.e., when ΔE = 0). Panels (c) and (d) show the transmission for the P and AP configurations in the presence of an electric field (i.e., ΔE = h ≠ 0) respectively. Spin-dependent transmissions occur when the electric field and exchange field are applied in the magnetic AP-junction, ΔE ≠ 0 and h ≠ 0.