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Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB921300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 1190020 and 11334012), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB07000000).
We propose two possible new compounds, Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2, which hybridize the building blocks of two high temperature superconductors, cuprates and iron-based superconductors. These compounds consist of square CuO2 layers and antifluorite-type Fe2X2 (X = As, Se) layers separated by Ba/K. The calculations of binding energies and phonon spectra indicate that they are dynamically stable, which ensures that they may be experimentally synthesized. The Fermi surfaces and electronic structures of the two compounds inherit the characteristics of both cuprates and iron-based superconductors. These compounds can be superconductors with intriguing physical properties to help to determine the pairing mechanisms of high Tc superconductivity.
Cuprates,[1–8] first discovered in 1986, and iron-based superconductors (IBS),[9–13] discovered in early 2008, are two classes of unconventional high temperature superconductors which share many common features. Both of them are quasi-two-dimensional and the phase diagrams are similar in which superconductivity develops after a magnetic order is suppressed.[14–16] All the cuprates share a common structure element CuO2 plane, where the Cu atoms form a square lattice.[17] The IBS share a common Fe2X2 (X = As and Se) layered structure unit, which possesses an anti-PbO-type (anti-litharge-type) atom arrangement. The Fe2X2 layers consist of a square lattice sheet of Fe coordinated by X above and below the plane to form face sharing FeX4 tetrahedra.[18]
One of the major questions in the field of high Tc superconductors is whether cuprates and IBS share a common superconducting mechanism.[16,19] The answer to this question may be obtained if we can integrate the characteristics of both superconductors into a single compound so that their relations can be exclusively addressed. As both structures are featured with layered square lattices with similar in-plane lattice constants, it is possible to design a compound containing both building blocks, Cu–O layers of cuprates and Fe–As(Se) layers of IBS. Similar material designs have been adopted[20,21] and a target material Nd4CuO6Fe2As2 has been theoretically investigated.[20]
Recently, two new materials Ba2MO2Ag2Se2 (M = Co,Mn)[22] have been synthesized via a solid-state reaction in experiment. These two compounds, whose structures belong to the I4/mmm space group, consist of infinite MO2 square planes and antifluorite-type Ag2Se2 layers separated by barium. In this paper, motivated by the fact that the MO2 plane resembles the CuO2 plane in cuprates and the Ag2Se2 layer resembles the Fe2X2 layer in IBS, we consider the substitution of Cu and Fe for M and Ag in the compounds respectively to obtain two possible new compounds, Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2. Similar structures have been realized in Sr2CrO2A2As2 (A = Fe, Cr).[23,24] We perform density functional calculations to study the stability and basic electronic structures of these new compounds. We find that these materials integrate basic electronic characteristics of both high Tc superconductors. In Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, the CuO2 layers are electron-doped while the Fe2As2 layers are hole-doped. The situation is reversed in K2CuO2Fe2Se2. Such doping configurations suggest that many possible mixed phases, in particular, magnetic and superconducting phases, may be realized in these materials by introducing additional carriers and applying an external pressure.
Our calculations are performed using density functional theory (DFT) employing the projector augmented wave (PAW) method encoded in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP).[25–27] Both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA)[28] for the exchange–correlation functional are used. Throughout the work, the cutoff energy is set to be 500 eV for expanding the wave functions into the plane-wave basis. In the calculations of magnetic properties, the LDA + U method is used with the effective on-site Coulomb U being 7 eV for Cu 3d states.[29] In the calculations, the Brillouin zone is sampled in the k space within the Monkhorst–Pcak scheme.[30] The number of these k points depends on the lattice: 15 × 15 × 3 for the general unit cell with 4 Fe atoms and 2 Cu atoms and 9 × 9 × 3 for the
Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2 crystallize in a body-centered tetragonal lattice, as shown in Fig.
The binding energy is usually calculated to estimate the stability of new structures. Here, the binding energy per atom, Eb, is defined as Eb = (4EBa/K + 2ECu + 4EO + 4EFe + 4EAs/Se − Etotal)/18, where EBa, EK, ECu, EO, EFe, EAs, and ESe are the respective energies per atom of elemental Ba, K, Cu, O, Fe, As, and Se in the states at room temperature and ambient pressure, and Etotal is the calculated total energy of a unit cell of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 (K2CuO2Fe2Se2). The obtained binding energies are 1.61 eV and 1.23 eV per atom for Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2, respectively. Both of the binding energies are very close to that of Ba2CoO2Ag2Se2 (1.318 eV), indicating that the two structures are energetically favorable in experiment and may be synthesized using similar methods. To further test the stability of these two structures, we calculate their phonon dispersions, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 1. Optimized structural parameters of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2 using LDA and GGA in the paramagnetic phase. The 6th column shows the experimental structural parameters of Ba2CoO2Ag2Se2.[22] . |
The optimized parameter a of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 is determined to be 4.026 Å, slightly larger than those of cuprates (3.78 Å for La1.8Sr0.2CuO4[3] and 3.859 Å for YBa2Cu3O6 + x[4]). Compared with three typical kinds of iron pnictides, LiFeAs,[10] BaFe2As2,[11] and LaFeAsO,[9] as shown in Table
![]() | Table 2. Optimized structural parameters of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 using GGA in the paramagnetic phase and those of LiFeAs,[10] BaFe2As2,[11] and LaFeAsO.[9] The angle β is the Fe–As–Fe bonding angle of two next nearest Fe atoms. . |
The band structure and density of states (DOS) for Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 with the GGA optimized structural parameters in the paramagnetic states are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (a) Band structures and (b) projected density of states of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the paramagnetic state. |
The calculated Fermi surfaces of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 are given in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Calculated Fermi surfaces of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the paramagnetic state. |
It is interesting to see that the hole pockets at the Γ point are large, which indicates heavy hole doping in the Fe2As2 layers. From the size of the pockets, we can estimate that the hole doping concentration with respect to BaFe2As2 is roughly 0.15 holes per Fe atom. Considering the hole doping level, the Fermi surfaces attributed to the Fe2As2 layers should be similar to those of Ba0.7K0.3Fe2As2 except that the pockets here are much more two-dimensional. This hole doping level is very close to that in optimally-hole-doped pnictide Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2,[38–40] where Tc can reach 37 K. Actually, the calculated Fermi surfaces are similar to those of (Ba, K)Fe2As2 obtained in the ARPES experiment.[41,42] As required by the charge conservation, the heavy hole doping in the Fe2As2 layers suggests that the CuO2 layers must be heavily electron-doped with the same doping concentration. This consistency is confirmed by the estimation that the size of the largest hole pocket at the M point attributed to dx2−y2 orbitals in CuO2 layers is about 0.3 electrons per Cu atom from their half filling configuration. The doping level is a little far away from the narrow superconducting region for electron-doped cuprates in the phase diagram.[14]
The superconductivity in both cuprates and IBS is most likely related to the magnetism. Therefore, we investigate the magnetic properties of this new compound. With such a large doping in the Fe2As2 and CuO2 layers, it is expected that the checkboard antiferromagnetic (AFM) order in the CuO2 layers and the E-type collinear AFM order in the Fe2As2 layers should be significantly weakened or completely suppressed even in the meanfield type of DFT calculations. To check this, we consider four possible magnetic states for Fe2As2 and CuO2 layers: paramagnetic state, ferromagnetic state, checkerboard AFM state, and collinear AFM state. We calculate the total energies of these magnetic states using the LDA + U approach. The calculations show that there is no statically ordered moment in the CuO2 layers while the E-type collinear AFM order in the Fe2As2 layers is still possible. We find that in the DFT result, the E-type state has an energy gain of 103.5 meV/f.u. relative to the paramagnetic state and a spin moment of 1.59 μB for each Fe. It is known that magnetic moments calculated for the known parent compounds of IBS, for example, BaFe2As2, are typically over 2.0 μB.[36,43] This moment value is significantly lowered, which is consistent with our expectation as the Fe2As2 layers are overdoped by holes. Figures
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) Band structures and (b) projected density of states of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the E-type collinear AFM state. |
With the substitution of As by Se and Ba by K in Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, we obtain a new compound K2CuO2Fe2Se2. Compared with Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, the parameter a decreases to 3.839 Å but c increases to 22.165 Å, which is consistent with those of iron chalcogenides. Table
![]() | Table 3. Optimized structural parameters of K2CuO2Fe2Se2 using GGA in the paramagnetic phases and those of KFe2Se2[13] and FeSe.[44] The angle β is the Fe–Se–Fe bonding angle of two next nearest Fe atoms. . |
![]() | Fig. 6. (a) Band structures and (b) projected density of states of K2CuO2Fe2Se2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the paramagnetic state. |
Compared with the Fermi surfaces of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, we find that the hole pockets at the Γ point of K2CuO2Fe2Se2 are much smaller while the electron pockets at the M point are much larger (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. Calculated Fermi surfaces of K2CuO2Fe2Se2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the paramagnetic state. |
![]() | Fig. 8. (a) Band structures and (b) projected density of states of K2CuO2Fe2Se2 using the GGA relaxed parameters in the AFM state. |
The DOS at the Fermi level attributed to Fe 3d orbitals is significantly decreased with such a large electron doping, which may suggest that the magnetic order in the Fe2Se2 layers is strongly suppressed. Compared with Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, we consider an additional bicollinear magnetic state, which is the ground state in FeTe.[47] The ground state is paramagnetic on Fe2Se2 layers and checkboard AFM ordered for CuO2 layers with an energy gain of 196.0 meV/f.u. and a spin moment of 0.59 μB per Cu. The band structure and DOS are shown in Fig.
It is well known that the pairing symmetry is d-wave for the cuprates and s-wave for the iron pnictides with a potential sign change between the hole and electron Fermi pockets. As the proposed new materials contain both CuO2 layers and Fe2X2 (X = As, Se) layers and the electronic structures are similar to both, it can be expected that two different pairing symmetries may coexist in a single material. The proximity effect between two types of layers with different pairing symmetries can result in interesting novel phenomena. The time reversal symmetry may be broken with mixed s-wave and d-wave pairing symmetries.
Introducing additional carriers or applying an external pressure to these materials can maximize Tc. For Ba2CuO2Fe2As2, the doping of the Fe2As2 layer is 0.15 holes per Fe and that of CuO2 is 0.3 electrons per Cu. The doping for the Fe2As2 layer is near the optimal level but that for the CuO2 layer is unfortunately not in the superconducting region. To realize superconductivity for both layers, we can introduce hole doping with partial replacement of Ba2+ ions by K+ ions. From the phase diagrams of cuprates and (Ba,K)Fe2As2, the above case can be realized in Ba2−xKxCuO2Fe2As2 (0.24 ≤ x ≤ 0.32) by assuming that the Fe2As2 and CuO2 layers are equally hole doped. In this doping region, the Tc for the Fe2As2 layers shows little change. The x = 0.3 corresponds the optimal doping value for the electron-doped cuprates.[14] For K2CuO2Fe2Se2, however, the Fe2Se2 layers are electron doped and the hole doping for the CuO2 layers is not in the superconducting region but very close to it. The superconductivity for both layers can be realized in K2−xBaxCuO2Fe2Se2 (0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.54). This doping region is much wider than that in Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 due to the wide hole-doped superconducting region in cuprates. The optimal doping value for the CuO2 layers is x = 0.34. The pressure is also an effective way to tune the superconductivity.
In conclusion, we identify two hypothetical compounds Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 and K2CuO2Fe2Se2 containing Fe2X2 layers and CuO2 layers, which are the basic structural units of IBS and cuprates, respectively. The metallic spacer Ba (K) separates the basic units. The calculations of binding energies and phonon spectra indicate that they are dynamically stable, ensuring that they may be experimentally synthesized. The Fermi surfaces derived from Fe2As2(Fe2Se2) layers and CuO2 layers are very similar to those of iron pnictides (iron chalcogenides) and cuprates, respectively. With heavy self-doping, the ground state of Ba2CuO2Fe2As2 is determined to be an E-type collinear AFM state in the Fe2As2 layer and a paramagnetic state in the CuO2 layer, while K2CuO2Fe2Se2 favors a checkboard AFM state in the CuO2 layers and a paramagnetic state in the Fe2Se2 layers. Without external doping, superconductivity can only be achieved in the Fe2X2 layers. However, with external doping through substitution, superconductivity for both Fe2X2 and CuO2 layers can be simultaneously achieved in Ba2−xKxCuO2Fe2As2 (0.24 ≤ x ≤ 0.32) and K2−xBaxCuO2Fe2Se2 (0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.54). The synthesis of these new compounds will not only provide us with a unique opportunity to explore exotic properties in cuprates and IBS simultaneously but also help us to understand the mechanism of high Tc superconductivity.
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