Electronic structure, Dirac points and Fermi arc surface states in three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Na3Bi from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Liang Aiji1, Chen Chaoyu1, Wang Zhijun1, Shi Youguo1, Feng Ya1, Yi Hemian1, Xie Zhuojin1, He Shaolong1, †, , He Junfeng1, Peng Yingying1, Liu Yan1, Liu Defa1, Hu Cheng1, Zhao Lin1, Liu Guodong1, Dong Xiaoli1, Zhang Jun1, Nakatake M2, Iwasawa H2, Shimada K2, Arita M2, Namatame H2, Taniguchi M2, Xu Zuyan3, Chen Chuangtian3, Weng Hongming1, 4, Dai Xi1, 4, Fang Zhong1, 4, Zhou Xing-Jiang1, 4, ‡,

Fermi surface and band structures taken by the photon energy of 21.2 eV around the points on the (001) surface of Na3Bi. (a) Observation of features around the points. The upper-right inset image is the projection view of the (001) surface atomic structure. The blue rhombus and the orange rhombus show the repetition unit cells of the surface, where the length of the unit vector of the orange rhombus is times that of the red one. While the small blue rhombus corresponds to a large surface Brillouin zone as a gray hexagon, the expanded orange rhombus corresponds to the smaller surface Brillouin zone marked as a red hexagon. The possible surface reconstruction makes the original six points equivalent to the point. This gives rise to a possible band folding of the bands near point to the points. (b) Band structure measured along as indicated by a orange line in panel (a). It is obtained by second derivative of the original data with respect to momentum direction. The band slope near the Fermi level at both and , which are fitted with red dashed linear lines, are similar with an estimated value around 3.0 eV·Å.