In-plane anisotropy in two-dimensional electron gas at LaAlO3/SrTiO3(110) interface
Shen Sheng-Chun, Hong Yan-Peng, Li Cheng-Jian, Xue Hong-Xia, Wang Xin-Xin, Nie Jia-Cai†,

The out-of-plane magnetoconductance (normalized by the quantum of conductance) at different VG along (a) and (b) [001] directions. The dark grey dashed lines are the fitting lines by using Eq. (1). (c) The obtained fitting parameters BSO (filled square) and Bϕ (open circle) as a function of VG along (black) and [001] (red) directions. (d) The τSO as a function of VG along two directions, the inset shows the τi versus VG. Comparing τSO with τi at different VG along (e) and (f) [001] directions. Spin relaxation time vs. elastic scattering rate along two directions is shown in the insets of panels (e) and (f). The lines are a guide to the eye.