Raman scattering studies on the collapsed phase of CaCo2As2
Ji Jianting1, Zhang Anmin1, Yang Run2, Tian Yong1, Jin Feng1, Qiu Xianggang2, Zhang Qingming1, †,
Department of Physics, Beijing Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Functional Materials & Micro-nano Devices, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China


† Corresponding author. E-mail: qmzhang@ruc.edu.cn

Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB921701), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11474357), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China.


In this work, Raman scattering measurements have been performed on the collapsed phase CaCo2As2 crystals. At least 8 Raman modes were observed at room temperature though CaCo2As2 is structurally similar to other 122 compounds like BaFe2As2. Two Raman modes are assigned to the intrinsic A1g and B1g of this material system respectively. The other ones are considered to originate from the local vibrations relevant to cobalt vacancies. Careful polarized measurements allow us to clearly resolve the four-fold symmetry of the B1g mode, which put strong constraints on possible point group symmetries of the system with Co vacancies. The temperature-dependent measurements demonstrate that the anomalies in both frequency and width of the B1g mode occur around Neel temperature TN. The anomalies are considered to be related to the gap opening near the magnetic transition. The study may shed light on the structural and magnetic changes and their correlations with superconductivity in 122 systems.

PACS: 78.30.–j;63.20.–e;74.70.Xa
1. Introduction

The ThCr2Si2-type compounds have attracted a tremendous amount of attention since the discovery of iron-based superconductors in 2008.[1,2] Besides iron pnictides, many other 122 systems have also been extensively studied. Superconductivity was found in CaPd2As2 (Tc ∼ 1.27 K) and SrPd2As2 (Tc∼ 0.92 K) single crystals.[3] A checkerboard antiferromagnetic (AF) structure was observed in insulating BaMn2As2 and relevant compounds.[4,5] Itinerant antiferromagnetism was reported in BaCr2As2.[6,7]

Cobalt-based 122 compounds are closely similar to 122 iron pnictides in many aspects. However, no superconductivity was measured in the doped SrCo2As2.[8] However, a clear negative thermal expansion was observed in the compound.[9] CaCo2As2 has received particular interest among the cobalt-based 122 compounds. It has a typical ThCr2As2 structure (space group I4/mmm) and a small ratio of c/a ∼ 2.59 under ambient pressure, suggesting a collapsed phase,[10,11] just as was found in CaFe2As2. A range of external pressures can reduce its c axis by a factor of ∼ 9.5% and drive a collapsed phase transition[12,13] with no magnetic[1215] or superconducting[16] transition. Similar to the AF transition at ∼ 170 K in CaFe2As2, A-type AF ordering in CaCo2As2 was also observed by different research groups. The reported TN ranges from 70 K to 76 K.[17,18] It increases to 90 K with 10% Sr doping.[17] Interestingly, a spin flop transition was observed in all the above measurements.[17,18] However, if Sn instead of CoAs is used as flux, the crystals have a TN of only ∼ 52 K and 7% Co vacancies.[19,20] It is unclear if the reduction of TN is related to Co vacancies and the issue remains an open question so far. As one of the fundamental techniques sensitive to crystal microstructures, Raman scattering has been proved to be an effective way to probe vacancies and their ordering.[21]

Raman scattering measurements on CaCo2As2 were carried out in this work. At least 8 modes were observed, which is much more than the number of symmetry-allowed Raman modes. Polarized Raman measurements indicate that three of the modes have a four-fold symmetry and one has a full-symmetry. The temperature-dependent Raman spectra reveal that the strongest peak shows clear anomalies in both frequency and width near the AF transition. This is similar to the cases of 122 and 11 iron pnictides and provides the important information on vacancies in the material. The present study may provide insight into superconductivity, magnetism and collapsed phase because of the close similarity between CaCo2As2 and other 122 systems including the superconducting ones.

2. Experiments and methods

The CaCo2As2 crystals used in the work were grown through the self-flux method that has been described in detail elsewhere.[13,22] Structural and thermodynamic characterizations can be found in Ref. [20]. Raman measurements were performed using a Jobin Yvon HR800 single-grating system equipped with a liquid-nitrogen cooled CCD detector and a He–Ne laser source of 632.8 nm (Melles Griot). A backscattering configuration was adopted in all the measurements. The laser power was controlled at the level of ∼ 1 mW and the laser spot was ∼ 5 μm in diameter. The cleaved surface was parallel to the ab-plane and the incident light is perpendicular to the surface or parallel to the c axis. XX′ denotes that the polarizations of both incident and scattering light are parallel to the diagonals between a and b axes, while XY′ means that their polarizations are orthogonal. Polarized Raman measurements were made at room temperature by fixing the perpendicular polarizations between incident and scattering light and rotating crystal at a step of 15°. The space and point groups of CaCo2As2 are I4/mmm and D4h respectively, which allows 4 Raman-active modes including one A1g mode, one B1g mode, and doubly degenerate Eg mode (see the inset of Fig. 1).

3. Results and discussions

Figure 1 shows polarized Raman spectra at room temperature. There are 8 peaks under two configurations. Four of them appear in the parallel channel (XX′) and the other four in the cross channel (XY′). On the other hand, only A1g (As) and B1g (Co) are symmetry-allowed under the present configuration. This means that six of the observed modes are unexpected. One may argue that the extra modes come from the intensity leakage of E modes if the crystal surface is a little tilted. However, the scenario seems incompatible with the observations since the leakage intensity is usually very small and there are only four modes totally even if all the symmetry-allowed modes are counted. Local vibrations induced by impurities also seem unlikely since no signal of impurities is seen in the structural measurements.[18] Another possibility is that the extra modes are contributed by the local modes which are induced by Co vacancies. As mentioned above, powder x-ray diffraction and elastic neutron scattering[19,20] indicate that ∼ 7% Co vacancies exist in the crystals with Sn as flux. Most of the observed peaks are very broadened with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 20 cm−1. This coincides with the local modes, and implies that Co vacancies exist not only in the crystals grown with Sn flux but also in the crystals with CoAs as flux. It is likely that the vacancies cause a relaxation of selection rules and introduce some non-Raman active or non-Gamma modes into the Raman channel. The strong and narrow P4 peak in Fig. 4 can be reasonably assigned to the intrinsic mode of bulk crystals.

Fig. 1. Polarized Raman spectra collected at room temperature. The inset shows the vibration patterns of four Raman-active modes in 122 system.

We further made polarized Raman measurements by rotating crystals to resolve mode symmetries. The spectra are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). P4 exhibits periodic modulations in intensity and P6 remains almost unchanged in the parallel configuration, while P6 disappears and the intensities of P1, P4, and P5 change with rotating crystals. The rotation-angle dependence is illustrated in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) respectively. Under parallel polarization configuration, the intensities of P4 are proportional to sin 4θ, indicating a four-fold rotation symmetry, while P1, P4, and P5 exhibit the four-fold symmetry in cross polarization configuration and have a phase difference of 45°. These results allow to attribute P4 and P6 to B1g and A1g modes respectively. P5 is a B1g-like mode which may originate from local vibrations as discussed above. The vibration patterns of B1g and A1g modes are exactly similar to those in BaFe2As2 and illustrated in the inset of Fig. 1.

Fig. 2. Rotation-angle dependence of Raman spectra in CaCo2As2. (a) and (b) Raman spectra collected under parallel and cross polarization configurations respectively. (c) and (d) Intensity modulations with rotation angles in two configuration channels. The angles are the ones between a axis and polarization of incident light.

The temperature-dependent Raman spectra are shown in Fig. 3. All the observed modes become softening and broadening with increasing temperatures. We made careful Lorentz fitting for the strongest P4 peaks and the fitting results are summarized in Fig. 4. The evolution of Raman frequency with temperature coincides with the inharmonic phonon decay model.[23] This suggests that CaCo2As2 has a normal positive thermal expansion which is opposite to the clear negative thermal expansion observed in SrCo2As2.[9] The contrast difference may stem from the absence of a collapsed phase in SrCo2As2.[24] The anomalies in mode width are observed around Neel temperature TN ∼ 74 K. In fact, the reversal of temperature evolution of mode widths starts even at ∼ 150 K, far beyond TN. This is considered as a precursor effect of AF transition. In the parent compound BaFe2As2 of 122 Fe-based superconductors, phonon anomalies have been reported near spin-density-wave (SDW) transition and are attributed to phonon self-energy renormalization induced by the SDW gap opening.[2527] Just like BaFe2As2, CaCo2As2 is also an AF metal and its magnetic transition can similarly lead to phonon anomalies around transition temperature through some form of spin-phonon interaction.

Fig. 3. Temperature-dependent Raman spectra of CaCo2As2.
Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of P4 phonon’s frequencies and widths. The red line is the fitting curve using inharmonic phonon decay model.
4. Summary

In summary, Raman scattering studies of collapsed phase CaCo2As2 have been made in this work and at least 8 peaks are observed. Two of them are assigned as intrinsic A1g and B1g modes, and the other ones are considered to come from the local vibrations induced by Co vacancies. Polarized Raman measurements determine the four-fold symmetry of the system, which put strong constraints on the possible patterns of Co vacancies. Further temperature-dependent experiments reveal that the anomalies of B1g mode in width are related to the AF transition through a spin-phonon coupling.

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