Nanoscale control of low-dimensional spin structures in manganites
Wang Jing1, Ahmed Malik Iftikhar1, Liang Renrong2, Huang Wen3, Zheng Renkui4, Zhang Jinxing1, †,

A probe-based ferromagnet/dielectric/metal capacitor for spin displacement and magnetic DW motion in FM layer after the application of scanning probe bias. (a) Contact geometry of vertical spin displacement between a downward-magnetized (red thick arrow) tip and a domain wall in aferromagnet/dielectric/metal capacitor. (b) The domain patterns before (top panel) and after the application of an AC voltage on a scanning tip once(intermediate) and twice (bottom panel) at the same area. The colored lines indicate the movement along the fast-scanning direction. Scale bar, 400 nm. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [59]. Copyright 2014, American Physical Society.