Modulation of physical properties of oxide thin films by multiple fields
Yang Hua-Li1, 2, Wang Bao-Min1, 2, †, , Zhu Xiao-Jian1, 2, Shang Jie1, 2, Chen Bin1, 2, Li Run-Wei1, 2, ‡,

(a) Out-of-plane PFM phase image obtained after poling for 50-nm-thick BFO films with a polarized pattern. (b)–(d) KPFM images measured without (dark) and with light illumination by a 375-nm laser (power density of 40 mW·cm−2). (e) Surface potential profiles obtained from panels (b)–(d), respectively. (f) Time dependence of DSP; “on” and “off” represent laser on and laser off.[296]