Topological charge pump by surface acoustic waves
Zheng Yi, Feng Shi-Ping, Yang Shi-Jie

Energy gaps Δn versus the amplitudes V0 of the barrier potential at different time points ωt = 0 (blue), π/8 (red), π/4 (yellow), 3π/8 (purple), π/2 (green). Panels (a)–(f) correspond to n=1–6 gaps with VSAW = 30ER. The zeros of the curves indicate that the gaps vanish. As a comparison, panels (g) and (h) respectively illustrate Δ5 and Δ6 for a larger SAW amplitude VSAW = 60ER where the 6th gap is reopened because of nonzero Δ6. It means that the amplitude of the SAW modifies the topology of the energy bands.