A self-powered sensitive ultraviolet photodetector based on epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Huang Jiao1, Guo Li-Wei1, †, , Lu Wei1, Zhang Yong-Hui2, Shi Zhe3, Jia Yu-Ping1, Li Zhi-Lin1, Yang Jun-Wei1, Chen Hong-Xiang1, Mei Zeng-Xia2, Chen Xiao-Long1, ‡,

Energy band diagrams of graphene–SiC, Ti–SiC, and Ti–graphene–Ti heterojunctions. (a)–(c) Before reaching equilibrium, and after reaching equilibrium (d)–(f) without and (g)–(i) with UV irradiation. The incident UV photon energy is expressed as hν, and ΔE is the Fermi level difference between the metal electrodes with and without UV irradiation.