Optical control of light propagation in photonic crystal based on electromagnetically induced transparency
Wang Dan1, 2, Wu Jin-Ze1, 2, Zhang Jun-Xiang1, 2, †,

Theoretical simulations of probe reflection (red curve) and transmission spectra (black curve). Panels (a) and (b) are for Doppler-broaden thermal atoms with u = 250 m/s, panel (b) is for the near-resonant expanded view in panel (a), the other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 3. Panel (c) is for the ultracold atoms driven by non-perfect SW with Ωc2/Ωc1 = 0.8. In numerical calculation, a single period is divided into l = 50 slices and the number of periods is set to be N = 1.6 × 105.