Intense source of cold cesium atoms based on a two-dimensional magneto–optical trap with independent axial cooling and pushing
Huang Jia-Qiang1, 3, Yan Xue-Shu2, 3, Wu Chen-Fei1, 3, Zhang Jian-Wei2, 3, Wang Li-Jun1, 2, 3, †,

The dependences of the total atomic flux on the pushing parameters: (a) the dependence on the pushing power at different pushing detuning:−7Γ (black square line), −5Γ (red circle line), 0Γ (green diamond line), +5Γ (blue up triangle line), and +7Γ (magenta down triangle line); (b) the dependence on the pushing detuning at different pushing power: 20 μW (black square line), 60 μW (red circle line), 100 μW (blue up triangle line), and 150 μW (magenta down triangle line).