First-principles study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of double perovskite Sr2FeReO6 containing various imperfections
Zhang Yan1, †, , Duan Li1, Ji Vincent2, Xu Ke-Wei3

Total density of states (DOS) of imperfect Sr2FeReO6 of 4 f.u. containing (a) Fe antisite (FeRe), (b) Re antisite (ReFe), (c) Fe1–Re1 interchange (Fe1–Re1), (d) Fe1–Re4 interchange (Fe1–Re4), (e) Fe vacancy (VFe), (f) Re vacancy (VRe), (g) O vacancy (VO), or (h) Sr vacancy (VSr). The black and red lines represent up-spin and down-spin DOS, respectively, and the Fermi level EF is set at zero energy and indicated by the vertical blue lines.