Effect of residual stress on nematic domains in BaFe2−xNixAs2 studied by angular magnetoresistance
Hu Ding1, Zhang Wenliang1, Wei Yuan1, Zhang Xiaotian1, Ren Cong1, Shan Lei1, 2, Ya Yi-feng1, 2, Luo Huiqian1, Li Shiliang1, 2, †,

Temperature dependence of θ2 and R2/R0 as defined in the main text for the x = 0.065 samples. (a) and (b) are obtained by the two-end-points method, while (c) and (d) are obtained by the grease method. All the measurements are taken at 9 Tesla. The green and cyan dashed lines represent antiferromagnetic transition and structural transition temperatures, respectively. The black squares and red circles represent current following along the tetragonal (110) and (100) directions, respectively.