Optical study of charge dynamics in CaCo2As2
Zhang Wei1, 2, Xu Bing2, Yang Run2, Liu Jin-Yun2, Yang Hao3, †, , Qiu Xiang-Gang2, ‡,

(a) The measured σ1(ω) at 150 K (thick black line) in a wide spectral range for CaCo2As2, fitting with the Drude–Lorentz model (thin red line). The optical conductivity of CaCo2As2 can be separated into temperature-dependent and -independent parts. The temperature-independent part consists from the incoherent broad Drude term σb (magenta line), and two Lorentzian oscillators at higher frequencies (orange and dark yellow lines). The sum of the three contributions results in the light gray shaded area. The unshaded area below the curves is temperature dependent and can be described by a single Drude term σn (blue line). Temperature evolution of σn for CaCo2As2 is shown in panel (b). The thin lines through the data are fits with a single Drude term.