Control of microwave signals using bichromatic electromechanically induced transparency in multimode circuit electromechanical systems
Jiang Cheng†, , Cui Yuanshun, Bian Xintian, Li Xiaowei, Chen Guibin

(a) Schematic of a three-mode circuit electromechanical system in which two mechanical oscillators are coupled to a single microwave cavity denoted by equivalent inductance L and equivalent capacitance C. The mechanical displacements x1 and x2 independently modulate the total capacitance C, and hence, the cavity frequency ωc. A strong pump field at the frequency ωpu and a weak probe field at the frequency are applied to the microwave cavity simultaneously. (b) Level diagram of the hybrid system when the pump field is red detuned by an amount ωm = (ω1 + ω2)/2.