Theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic field inside an anomalous-dispersion microresonator under synthetical pump
Xu Xin1, 2, Hu Xiaohong1, 2, Feng Ye1, 2, Liu Yuanshan1, †, , Zhang Wei1, Yang Zhi1, Zhao Wei1, Wang Yishan1, ‡,

(a) Spatiotemporal evolution of the field in the microresonator with anomalous dispersion. The parameters are α = 0.5, β = −0.01, F = 0.8 and the initial field in the microresonator is ψ0 = 0.5 + 0.5exp[−(θ/0.5)2]. The field of the input pump pulses is ψim = 0.5exp [−(θ/0.5)2], and the repetition frequency is set as f = FSR/500. (b) Several intensity profiles and the corresponding spectra of the fields at different moments in a variation period.