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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11076009 and 11374062), the Chinese Association of Atomic and Molecular Data, the Chinese National Fusion Project for ITER (Grant No. 2015GB117000), and the Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai City, China (Grant No. B107).
A comprehensive theoretical study of correlation effects on the fine-structure splitting within the ground configuration 3d 9 of the Co-like Hf 45+ , Ta 46+ , W 47+ , and Au 52+ ions is performed by employing the multi-configuration Dirac–Hartree–Fock method in the active space approximation. It shows that the core-valence correlation with the inner-core 2p electron is more significant than with the outer 3p and 3s electrons, and the correlation with the 2s electron is also noticeable. The core–core correlation seems to be small and can be ignored. The calculated 2 D 3/2,5/2 splitting energies agree with the recent electron-beam ion-trap measurements [ Phys. Rev. A
Atomic spectroscopic properties of highly-charged ions (HCIs) are of great importance in atomic physics, astronomical physics, and fusion plasma research. [ 1 – 4 ] Among them the electric-dipole forbidden transition lines are of particular importance in plasma diagnostics due to their sensitive intensities to electron temperature and density and other plasma parameters. [ 5 – 11 ] The currently famous elements (for example, tungsten and gold) have inspired great research interest since their favorable physical properties, and many spectra lines have been measured with high accuracy. [ 12 – 22 ] Meanwhile, the accurately measured properties, such as wavelength, can provide crucial tests for atomic structure theory of both the electron correlation and relativistic corrections, [ 23 , 24 ] which are the major questions in theoretical calculations.
Ralchenko et al. [ 24 ] and Osin et al. [ 25 ] measured many forbidden lines from the HCIs of hafnium (Hf, Z = 72), tantalum (Ta, Z = 73), tungsten (W, Z = 74), and gold (Au, Z = 79) with an open 3d shell, with a wavelength uncertainty of 0.03%. Unfortunately, the calculated wavelengths, obtained by Ralchenko and Osin et al. [ 24 , 25 ] using the relativistic configuration-interaction (RCI) method implemented in the flexible atomic code (FAC), [ 26 , 27 ] can only agree with the experimental ones in 0.8%. Quinet [ 28 ] later obtained the energy levels, wavelengths, and transition probabilities for tungsten ions between W 47+ and W 61+ by using the fully relativistic multi-configuration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) method with the latest version of GRASP, i.e., the general purpose relativistic atomic structure package by Norrington et al. [ 29 ] However, due to the limited configuration interaction considered, the calculated wavelengths differ from the measured ones by up to 0.7%. Fournier [ 30 ] also performed calculations for W 47+ by using the fully relativistic parametric potential code (RELAC), [ 31 ] but the quantum electrodynamic (QED) corrections were not included. [ 32 ] It is obvious that the differences between these calculated wavelengths and measured ones are much larger than the stated experimental uncertainties, which may mean that there is a long way to go on the theoretical side.
Recently, by means of the second-order relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT) approach, we have updated the energy levels and the transition data for these forbidden transitions among the levels within the ground configurations [Ar] 3d k ( k = 1,...,9) in Co-like through K-like ions of Hf, Ta, W, and Au elements. [ 33 ] This RMBPT approach is based on the work of Lindgren on Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory extended to a multi-configurational zero-order wave function, [ 34 ] which is also implemented in the FAC code. [ 26 , 27 ] The RMBPT calculation dramatically removes the existing systematic deviations for wavelengths in previous theoretical calculations and reproduces these measured wavelengths to within 0.2%, which greatly improves the existing theoretical accuracy mentioned above, though still fall outside the experimental uncertainties, 0.03%, remotely.
To date, another state-of-the-art method with high accuracy is the multi-configuration Dirac–Hartree–Fock (MCDHF) approach implemented in the GRASP2K-V3 package, [ 35 ] which is a revised version of GRASP2K by Jönsson et al. [ 37 ] This approach is suitable to study different physical effects step by step. [ 37 ] In this work, with the purpose of analyzing the correlation effects clearly and getting the calculated transition energies close to the experimental data, by means of the MCDHF approach, we focus on the forbidden transition within the relatively simple multi-valence cobalt-like ions, which have the ground configuration 3d 9 , with nine valence electrons, i.e., one-vacancy-electron outside the closed core subshell. The one-vacancy-electron system is similar to the one-valence-electron system, [ 38 , 39 ] but should involve more complex correlations.
Furthermore, to investigate the core–valence (CV) correlation effects clearly, two independent approaches, the separate core–valence approach (SCV) and the full core–valence approach (FCV), are adopted. By comparison and analysis, we prove that the SCV is beneficial to give reliable information about important correlation contribution from separate subshell quickly. It is found that the electron correlation from the inner core 2p makes significant contribution to the transition energy, even larger than from the outer electron 3p. At the same time, the contribution from deeper core electron 2s is larger than from the 3s, which also should be considered. The final calculated fine-structure separation are in excellent agreement with the experimental results to within 0.01%.
In the MCDHF method, the ion is represented by the atomic state functions (ASF) Ψ ( γJ ), which is a linear combination of a number of configuration state functions (CSF)
Once we obtain a set of radial orbitals, relativistic configuration interaction calculations (RCI) [ 43 ] can be performed. In the RCI calculations we include the transverse photon interaction in the Hamiltonian [ 44 ]
The photon frequency ω i j used by the RCI program in calculating the matrix elements of the transverse photon interaction is taken to be the difference in the diagonal Lagrange multipliers and associated with orbitals. When using the low frequency limit ω i j → 0, the interaction is usually referred to as the Breit interaction. The calculation of the quantum electrodynamic corrections (QED) due to the other leading part of self-energy (SE) and vacuum polarization (VP) are also included in the RCI calculation. [ 45 ]
One main advantage of the multiconfigurational method is the fact that correlation can be included in a systematic way, by using the notion of an active set (AS) of orbitals, that are in turn used to generate CSFs. [ 46 ] The foundation of this approach is a restricted active space (RAS) method, [ 47 ] where the active set of orbits is systematically increased. Considering the relative importance of different excitations from the view point of order-by-order expansion of energy in perturbation theory, we allow single (S) and double (D) replacement from the reference configurations to an active set. According to this approach, the atomic electrons are divided into two types: valence electrons and core electrons. The correlations are then classified into three types, i.e., the valence–valence (VV), core–valence (CV), and core–core (CC) correlations. It should be mentioned that the CC correlation can be further classified according to (a) intra-CC, i.e., correlation within one core subshell; and (b) inter-CC, i.e., correlation between two core subshells. The details of this approach can be found elsewhere. [ 37 , 48 ]
At first, the DHF calculation is performed for the single 3d 9 configuration. After a set of radial orbitals have been obtained, the RCI calculations can been done, by which the relativistic corrections are included. Table
![]() | Table 1. Relativistic and QED effects on the fine-structure splitting (Δ E ) (in cm –1 ) between the 3d 9 2 D 3/2 and 2 D 5/2 levels from the DHF calculations. . |
On the base of the DHF calculation, the contributions of the different correlations are obtained by way of increasing the active sets (AS) layer by layer. In this VV model, we set the Ar-like 1s 2 2s 2 ··· 3p 6 core inactive and only allow the outside 3d valence electron to be excited to the AS by SD replacement. Then, the AS is increased as follows:
We note that the main VV contribution comes from n = 4 complex, and the contributions from n = 7 and 8 vary very little. The effects of high- l ( h and i ) orbitals on the fine-structure splitting have also been tested and found to be negligible (6 to 10 cm –1 ). Hence we conclude that the AS 4 mentioned above is enough to reach convergence (see Fig.
![]() | Table 2. The fine-structure splitting (Δ E SCV ( nl )) and the net core–valence contributions ( δE SCV ( nl ), see text) from each core orbital ( nl ) from the SCV model for the Hf 45+ , Ta 46+ , W 47+ , Au 52+ ions along with AS n . The Δ E VV from VV model given for comparisons. The total CV contributions from SCV are also given. Values are given in cm –1 . . |
![]() | Table 3. The fine-structure splitting (Δ E FCV ( nl )) and the net core–valence contributions ( δE FCV ( nl ), see text) from each core orbital ( nl ) from the FCV model for the Hf 45+ , Ta 46+ , W 47+ , Au 52+ ions along with AS n . The Δ E VV obtained from VV model is given for comparison. The total CV contributions of FCV are also listed. Values are given in cm –1 . . |
![]() | Table 4. The fine-structure splitting (Δ E SCC ( nl )) and the net core–core correlations ( δE SCC ( nl ), see text) from each core orbital ( nl ) from the SCC model for the Hf 45+ , Ta 46+ , W 47+ , Au 52+ ions along with AS n . The total CC contributions from SCC are also given. Values are given in cm –1 . . |
In the subsequent calculations, the CV correlation is successively included. We applied two strategies in this work to explore the importance of CV correlations, i.e., separate core valence (SCV) (see Section 3.3.1) and full core valence (FCV) (see Section 3.3.2). The SCV method can be used to probe the influence of one subshell at the time, on the fine-structure of the ground term. The FCV method is the final large-scale CV calculation by including full-core-valence correlation by SD excitation from all the involved core subshells simultaneously, which can be used to check the degree of approximation of SCV and the accuracy of the whole calculations.
The separate approach for the CV correlation (SCV) was first proposed for studying Ag-like W 27+ ion by Fei. [ 37 ] In this method, the effect on the fine structure splitting is investigated by including correlation with one core subshell at a time. For example, CV with a 2p electron is included via the CSFs of the form 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 7 nln ′ l ′ and 1s 2 2s 2 2p 5 3s 2 3p 6 3d 8 nln ′ l ′ (this model also includes VV correlation), and the nl and n ′ l ′ belong to the AS mentioned above (see Section 3.2).
In Table
The sum of all δE SCV ( nl ) is the total CV correlation contributions resulting from the SCV model, which are also given in Table
It is worth noting that, this surprising result also occurs in Ag-like tungsten ion, [ 37 ] where correlation effects from deep core 3d is larger than the outer valence electron 4d. Similarly, the 3d gives a positive contribution, but 4d presents a negative effect to the fine structure between the ground state 4d 10 4f 2 F 5/2 and 2 F 7/2 . The reason behind this is worth further study.
The second approach for the CV correlation study is the full core–valence (FCV) approach, that means correlations would be included in one step for all the involved core electrons, simultaneously. However, for comparison with the SCV model and to see the detailed correlation effects from different core electrons, we include the core electron one-by-one in the order from the outer to inner subshell (i.e., 3p→3s→2p→2s→1s). In practical terms, the core-electron 3p first interacts with valence electrons of active sets, then the inner core electrons of 3s, 2p, 2s, 1s are gradually added one-by-one. Hence, once the innermost core 1s is considered, the total CV correlation effect is obtained. Here the number of CSFs reaches 238277, which is much larger than the number from SCV for 1s (53731).
Similar to the results listed in Table
By comparing with Tables
In this step, the CC correlation could be taken into account by applying a similar approach to that for the SCV and FCV, which are referred to as the SCC and FCC model. However, when including all the core–core correlation, the size of the CSF expansions increases rapidly with the AS, and therefore convergence is hard to achieve.
Here we only investigate the intra-CC effects [ 37 ] in the SCC model, and the resulting CC correlation contributions (Δ E SCC ( nl )) are presented in Table
Convergence is one of the most important factors to state the accuracy of theoretical results. Figure
In Table
By analyzing Table
With the revised GRASP2K-V3 code, we have made a detailed treatment of the electron correlation for the multi-valence-electron systems of Co-like (3d 9 ) ions using the MCDHF approach. Highly accurate fine-structure energies between 2 D 3/2 and 2 D 5/2 are obtained for Hf 45+ , Ta 46+ , W 47+ , and Au 52+ , being within the experimental uncertainties. [ 24 , 25 ] It shows that it is critical to include the deep core-valence correlation down to the n = 2 subshell, to achieve spectroscopic accuracy. In particular, the CV correlation from the deep core 2p is larger than 3p, 2s is larger than 3s, and CV from 1s could be ignored. The CC correction is so small that it could be ignored in the latter large-scale calculations especially for other higher-Z Co-like ions.
Among the SCV and FCV methods used to study CV correlation, the SCV method is reliable enough to get similar accurate results to the FCV model, but with much smaller amount of CSFs and less computation efforts. The SCV method provides a simple and wise way to investigate the core–valence correlation from the individual subshell. The strategies applied here have been successfully employed to investigate the fine-structure splitting within the ground state along with the whole Co I isoelectronic sequence, as well as for the other one-valence sequence (K I and Rb I) and one-vacancy sequence (Rh I). These results are being prepared to be published elsewhere. We believe that the present strategies can also be potentially useful in even more complicated sequences, such as the n d k ( k = 2,...,8) ones.
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