Ma Shunchao 1, 2, †, , Zhang Yelong 1, 2, †, , Cui Qinghua 1, 2, Zhao Jing 1, 2, Peng Zhangquan 1, ‡,
In situSERS during O2reduction and re-oxidation on Au in O2-saturated 0.1 M LiClO4–CH3CN. Spectra collected at a series of times and at the reducing potential of 2.2 V versus Li/Li+followed by other spectra at the oxidation potentials shown. The peaks are assigned as follows: 1) C–C stretch of CH3CN at 918 cm–1, 2) O–O stretch of LiO2at 1137 cm–1, 3) O–O stretch of Li2O2at 808 cm–1, and 4) Cl–O stretch ofat 931 cm–1.[24] |