Spin texturing in quantum wires with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit interactions and in-plane magnetic field
Gisi B1, †, , Sakiroglu S2, Sokmen İ2

Upper panels display the spin texture for three selected propagation momenta: Panels (a)–(c) correspond tokxl0= −0.76, 0, 0.76, respectively where arrow length is proportional to the spin density. We setΔR= 0.2 andΔD= 0.1 and assume magnetic field of 1 T applied parallel to the wire. Lower panel (d) presents the dependence of spin expectation values in the lowest subband onkxl0. Blue lines indicate ⟨σx⟩ whereas red lines represent ⟨σy⟩. Dotted lines stand for the case with no SO interaction, dashed curves are forΔR= 0.2 andB= 1 T case, and the results when both SO interactions taken into account are given by solid lines.