Spin texturing in quantum wires with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit interactions and in-plane magnetic field
Gisi B1, †, , Sakiroglu S2, Sokmen İ2

Dispersion relations of the lowest subbands. (a) Variation of the energies for weak Rashba SO couplingΔR= 0.05 and magnetic fieldB= 5 T described with an angleθ=π/2. Solid line presentsΔD= 0.01, dashed line corresponds toΔD= 0.1, and the dotted line stands forΔD= 0.3. (b) Dependence of the first spin-split subband on the orientation of external magnetic field for strong SO regime characterized byΔR= 0.2 andΔD= 0.1. Solid line corresponds toθ= 0, the dashed line presentsθ=π/4, and the dotted line isθ=π/2.