Uncovering the underlying physical mechanisms of biological systems via quantification of landscape and flux
Xu Li1, †, , Chu Xiakun1, Yan Zhiqiang1, Zheng Xiliang1, Zhang Kun1, Zhang Feng1, Yan Han1, Wu Wei1, Wang Jin1, 2, ‡,

Free energy landscape quantifications and kinetic analyses of Chz1 binding–folding to histone H2A.Z-H2B. (a) The charged property of the Chz1- H2A.Z-H2B system. Positively and negatively charged residues are colored by blue and red, respectively. (b) Two parallel binding pathways from free energy landscapes. (c) Collapsed structure in Chz1 at low salt concentrations. The radius of gyrationRgand the inter-residue distance describe the degree of collapsed structure at different salt concentrations. (d) Schematic illustration of two parallel binding pathways. (e) Binding rates with different salt concentrations.[60]