Electronic mobility in the high-carrier-density limit of ion gel gated IDTBT thin film transistors
Bao Beia),b), Shao Xian-Yic), Tan Lua),b), Wang Wen-Hea),b), Wu Yue-Shena),b), Wen Li-Bina),b), Zhao Jia-Qingc), Tang Weic), Zhang Wei-Mind), Guo Xiao-Jun†c), Wang Shun‡a),b), Liu Ying§a),b),e)
ln ρ versus (a) T −1/2 and (b) T −1/4 for distinct carrier densities induced by 5 distinct gate voltages. Three different colors represents three devices. The solid straight lines are linear fits for different temperature ranges. The vertical arrow indicates the departure from the VRH behaviour.