†Corresponding author. E-mail: xjning@fudan.edu.cn
*Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11274073 and 51071048), the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project, China (Grant No. B107), and the Key Discipline Innovative Training Program of Fudan University, China.
In this paper, we derive a universal function from a model based on statistical mechanics developed recently, and show that the function is well fitted to all the available experimental data which cannot be described by any function previously established. With the function predicting creep rate, it is unnecessary to consider which creep mechanism dominates the process, but only perform several experiments to determine the three constants in the function. It is expected that the new function would be widely used in industry in the future.
Creep is the progressive time-dependent plastic deformation of metals under load and elevated temperature conditions, [1] and the rate of creep determines the service lifetime of given materials in engineering. However, theoretically predicting the rate of creep without empirical data is impossible[1– 3] and experimental measurement is time consuming because creep resistance is defined by a stress level required to produce a nominal strain, say 0.1%, 0.2%, or 0.5% in periods of about 100000 h.[2, 4, 5] In fact, creep rate depends not only on the applied stress but also on the ambient temperature, while the stress and temperature may differ greatly in different usages. Thus, to evaluate the creep lifetime of a given material, the creep rate test should cover the combination of various stresses and temperatures entirely. Clearly, this is an impossible task and experimental measurements of creep rate have to be limited to constant stress and constant temperature.[6– 12]
If a universal function can be established to describe the dependence of creep rate at stress and temperature, the creep rate of any condition can be obtained by only several measurements performed at limited points of stresses and temperatures. Since the 1920s, much theoretical effort has been made to find such a function, [10, 13– 16] and several equations are established as follows:
In 1965, Monkman and Grant found that the creep rupture time trup multiplied by ṗ ɛ is a constant for many metals:[17]
Based on Eq. (7), the Larson– Miller parameter method[18] was developed from Eq. (4) to predict the creep life and is being used widely to predict long-term creep life from short-term measurement data via
where LMP depends on the applied stress.[19] If the units of T and trup are Kelvin and hour, respectively, the value of CLM was found to be around 20 for many materials and was expected to be the same for different materials.[20] However, recent experimental works showed that the value varies obviously for different materials.[21– 26] Even for a given material, it is shown via Eq. (5) that the value of CLM is proportional to Qc with high correlation coefficient rather than a constant.[27] According to Eq. (6), Wilshire et al.[4, 5, 28] showed that CLM depends on Qc, and the extrapolation always overestimates long-term performance with CLM being a constant. For instance, if only the short-term data for creep measurements within 1000 h are applied to determine the constant of Eq. (8), then the prediction of the rupture strength for P92 alloys at 600 ° C by extrapolation to 100000 h is 180 MPa. However, if longer measurements data (> 3000 h) are used in Eq. (8), the prediction under the same conditions changes to 128 MPa, obviously smaller than the former prediction.[29]
If a creep rate equation, such as the creep constitute equation [Eq. (6)], is universal for different materials, CLM can be reasonably derived via Eq. (7) and the prediction of rupture time will be reliable. However, previous experiments showed that none of Eqs. (1)– (6) are universal. Taking the creep constitute equation as an example, recent experiments showed that n and Qc depend obviously on stress and temperature in some cases.[5, 8, 30, 31] For example, the value of n drawn from the experiment for K435[30] increases from 3.8 to 11.0 when the stress varies from 140 MPa to 250 MPa, while for polycrystalline copper[10] (or AZ31[31]) the values increase from 1 to 4.5 (or 3 to 5) when the stress varies, and for IN738LC[30] (or TC11 alloy[8]) the value of Qc increases from 420 kJ/mol to 730 kJ/mol (or 67 kJ/mol to 196 kJ/mol) with the temperature increasing. The experimental data for K435 and IN738LC are shown in Fig. 1, where the values of n and Qc fitted by Eq. (6) are also presented. Clearly, a universal and reliable function of creep rate upon the stress and temperature is imperative for predicting creep life.
In our previous works, a model based on statistical mechanics was developed successfully to predict the stability of materials, atom diffusion rates, etc.[32– 38] In the present work, it was developed to predict the creep rates and a universal function was derived. In order to test the function, we measured the creep rates of three kinds of materials 10305DA, 10305BA, 10705BU, and collected available experimental data of other materials (IN738LC, [30] K435, [30] NiAl-25Cr, [39] NiAl-28Cr-5Mo, [6] Ti-45Al-2Mn-2Nb, [7] AS31, [9] TC11, [8] Polycrystalline Cu, [10] FGH95, [12] TMW2, [40] 1.25Cr0.5Mo[41]). It was shown that the experimental data are in good agreement with our new function.Creep mechanism can be classified as diffusion and dislocation.[42] In any case, when stress is applied on bulk metals, some atoms in a potential valley must cross over a series of barriers of height E0 to reach another valley along the direction of the applied force [Fig. 2], otherwise creep plastic deformation cannot take place. In the absence of applied stress, thermal motion can also make the atoms cross over the barrier with a small probability, but this motion does not lead to macro-deformation because the motion is spacially isotropic. In what follows, we describe how the isotropic motion is affected by the applied stress to result in creep and give the expression of creep rate.
![]() | Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of creep caused by a stress σ applied along the x direction (a) and the potential barriers felt by an atom (b). |
According to a statical model of a single atom mentioned in Refs. [32]– [38], if we observe the motion of an atom in a potential valley in one time unit [Fig. 2(b)], the total time for the atom with kinetic energy ɛ larger than the static barrier E0 is
which results from Newton’ s law for the atom moving in the potential well. The averaged period can be obtained via
Hence, the averaged hopping frequency
When a stress σ is applied along the x direction, the atom feels a force F, and work of the force is Fa if the atom moves from x0 to x1 [Fig. 2], leading to the increase of the total energy from ɛ up to ɛ + Fa. If the total energy ɛ > E0 − Fa, the atom is able to cross over the barrier E0. Thus, in one time unit, the total time for the atom having energy larger than E0 is
Correspondingly, the time taken by the atom to cross over the barrier (from x0 to x1) is
and the average period can be obtained via
so the average hopping frequency is given by
and the creep rate is expressed as
where k is a constant related to microstructures of the specific materials, such as the density of defects (dislocations or grain boundaries). In principle, if the density of defects and the microstructures are exactly obtained in advance, then the diffusion potential function V(x) can be obtained theoretically, and the creep rate can be exactly determined by Eq. (17). Unfortunately, this method is time-consuming because the potential functions may be very different for different defects with different microstructures.
For applications of the above equations in practice, the creep of a column shaped material of mass M can be regarded as the departure of two mass centers [Fig. 2(a)] with each of mass M/2, and an average potential that the mass center feels is described by
where E0 and a are the potential barrier and the half width of the potential valley, respectively. Based on the statics model, [32– 38] equations (13)– (17) are still valid for the mass center. Thus, we can determine the three constants, E0, a, and k by measuring creep rate at several temperatures and stress points, and then apply Eq. (17) to predict creep life for any temperature and stress.
There are two methods to validate the accuracy and the universality of our model. The first method is to check whether E0, a, and k maintain as constants and are independent of stress and temperature when equation (17) is applied to fit the available experimental data of the creep rate. The second method is to check whether equation (17) with E0, a, and k is unchanged because a given material can reproduce previous creep rate equations, such as Eqs. (1) and (2), which present different forms for the same material under different loads (or temperature) conditions.
To validate the accuracy of our model sufficiently, we collected a large number of experimental data of creep rates[6, 8– 10, 30, 40, 41] upon stress σ and temperature T, and the curves of
![]() | Fig. 3. The experimental data of ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Table 1. The experimental creep rates of 10305DA (42CrMoA) alloy measured in the present work. |
![]() | Table 2. The experimental creep rates of 10705BU (2Cr12NiW1Mo1V) alloy measured in the present work. |
![]() | Table 3. The experimental creep rates of 10705BA (1Cr12Mo) alloy measured in the present work. |
![]() | Table 4. The average potential barriers of various kinds of alloys. |
It is notable that some of the traditional creep rate equations correspond to different creep mechanisms. For example, the stress power law, described by Eq. (1), is considered to correspond to the climb-controlled creep process when the load is small, while equation (2) is applicable to glide-controlled creep under a large load. Obviously, even if the parameters A1 and n of Eq. (1) are determined by some experiments under certain service conditions, we cannot use the equation to predict the creep rate for other service conditions because the value of n may change obviously. For example, the value of n for polycrystalline copper increases from 1 to 4.5 even if the temperature remains unchanged but the stress increases only from 2 MPa to 20 MPa, which is attributed to the transition of the creep mechanism from diffusion to dislocation.[10] For IN738LC, the value of n increases from 3.3 to 8.3 when the creep mechanism transits from climb-plus-glide to Orawan mechanism.[45]
Using our model, it is unnecessary to distinguish which mechanism dominates the creep and we can reproduce Eqs. (1)– (6) if specific ranges of stress and temperature are given. For example, the experimental
![]() | Fig. 4. The experimental ![]() |
In summary, a universal function was established to predict creep rate upon any stress and temperature and the validity was confirmed by available experimental data, especially by the fact that the function can reproduce all the previous creep rate equations obtained empirically for specific service conditions. In the application of the function to predict creep rate, we need not consider which creep mechanism dominates the process, but only perform several experiments to determine the three constants in the function. It is expected that the new function would be widely used in industry in the near future.
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