Observation of mode-like features in tunneling spectra of iron-based superconductors*
Gong Jinga), Hou Xing-Yuana), Zhu Juna), Jie Yun-Yina), Gu Ya-Donga),b), Shen Binga), Ren Conga), Li Chun-Honga), Shan Lei†a),c)
(a) Three different ways to determine the mode energy (indicated by the arrows numbered (i)–(iii)) as depicted in the text. (b) Relationship between superconducting transition temperatures and the mode energies derived with the ways shown in panel (a). (c) Relationship between transition temperatures and the superconducting gaps measured by STS. The tunneling data used in panels (b) and (c) come from the current study and references.[ 27 – 31 , 45 , 49 – 58 ]