Disorder-enhanced nuclear spin relaxation at Landau level filling factor one*
Guan Tonga), Benedikt Friessb), Li Yong-Qinga)†, Yan Shi-Shenc), Vladimir Umanskyd), Klaus von Klitzingb), Jurgen H. Smetb)‡
(a) Temperature dependence of R xx at ν = 0.76 (diamonds), 0.81 (triangles), 0.83 (circles), and 0.85 (squares) and their fits to the Arrhenius law (lines) at ν = 0.81–0.85. The inset shows the log R xx versus 1/ T plot at ν = 0.85. (b) Thermal activation gaps Δc (circles) and Δs (squares), at different filling factors, extracted from the Arrhenius fits of the T -dependences of R xx and 1/ T 1, respectively.