Electrically tunable holographic polymer templated blue phase liquid crystal grating*
He Zheng-Honga),b), Chen Chao-Pinga)†, Zhu Ji-Lianga), Yuan Ya-Chaoa), Li Yana)‡, Hu Weia), Li Xiaoa), Li Hong-Jinga), Lu Jian-Ganga), Su Yi-Kaia)
SEM images and statistical data for the polymer template at Stage 3: (a) cross-sectional view of the polymer template, (b) top view of the polymer template, (c) cross-sectional view of the white rectangle region in the polymer-rich region, (d) cross-sectional view of the black rectangle in the polymer-poor region, (e) pore size distribution of the white rectangle region, and (f) pore size distribution of the black rectangle region.